src/app-frontend contains HTML/SASS/JS (adapted from otm-addons)
src/app-backend contains Scala code for the prioritization tile server
Provision Vagrant VM using Azavea ansible roles
Use docker-compose to create two containers in the VM:
Front end, running Webpack dev server and listening on port 8286
Back end, running the tile server and listening on port 7072
bbox argument now lat/long -- convert to Web Mercator, remove srid parameter
Allow cross-site references
Support OPTIONS HTTP method
Return access control headers
Update health check route and scripts/ to work with these changes
Leave polyMask parameter in place even though we're no longer exercising it. (See #149)
Don't use S3 proxy server
HTML for the front end is in src/app-frontend/template.handlebars. It contains underscore templates that are expanded by JS code.
Because Webpack's default HTML loader tries to expand the templates at load time we use the Handlebars loader instead as it ignores the underscore template syntax.
Follow "Build" and "Run" instructions in the top-level README.
Adopt structure used by
contains HTML/SASS/JS (adapted fromotm-addons
contains Scala code for the prioritization tile serverdocker-compose
to create two containers in the VM:Changes:
argument now lat/long -- convert to Web Mercator, removesrid
HTTP methodscripts/
to work with these changespolyMask
parameter in place even though we're no longer exercising it. (See #149)Notes:
. It contains underscore templates that are expanded by JS code. Because Webpack's default HTML loader tries to expand the templates at load time we use the Handlebars loader instead as it ignores the underscore template syntax.Testing:
Connects #148