geotrellis / vectorpipe

Convert Vector data to VectorTiles with GeoTrellis.
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OSM => VectorTiles :: (1) Getting OSM Planet onto HDFS/S3 #1

Closed fosskers closed 7 years ago

fosskers commented 8 years ago

This is Part 1 of a series of issues documenting the process of creating a world's worth of VectorTiles from OSM Planet data. Please use these issues to discuss solutions.

This page offers download links to a 52GB XML file and 33GB Protobuf file that each hold the entire current content of OpenStreepMap's Element database.

Question: How does one reliably get that data onto either HDFS or S3, and how is it to be stored there?

fosskers commented 8 years ago

Relevant link supplied by @jnh5y: