geovistory / ontome
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MAJ CRMSci 1.7 -> 2.0 #35

Closed perrauda closed 11 months ago

perrauda commented 12 months ago

Effectuer la maj CRMSci Fichiers disponibles à partir d'ici:

Avant toute chose,

Créer ces propriétés sur le GUI

S23 O30 E94 (au lieu de Literal) S23 031 E52 S23 032 S15

Peu importe le label et txtp, ce sera édité par les requêtes plus bas

perrauda commented 11 months ago

classes_label.json {"S23": ["Position Determination"]}

Modification simple, donc directement en base de données (class_version & label)

Requête associée:

SELECT * FROM che.class_version WHERE fk_class = 1060 AND fk_namespace_for_version = 193
SELECT * FROM che.label WHERE fk_class = 1060 AND fk_namespace_for_version = 193


UPDATE che.property_version SET standard_label = 'triggered' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O13');

UPDATE che.label SET label = 'triggered' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O13');

UPDATE che.property_version SET standard_label = 'determined position' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O30');

UPDATE che.label SET label = 'determined position' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O30');

UPDATE che.property_version SET standard_label = 'has validity time-span' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O31');

UPDATE che.label SET label = 'has validity time-span' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O31');

UPDATE che.property_version SET standard_label = 'determined position of' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O32');

UPDATE che.label SET label = 'determined position of' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O32');
perrauda commented 11 months ago


UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This class comprises instances of E5 Event or S10 Material Substantial (i.e. items or phenomena, such as physical things, their behaviour, states and interactions or events), that can be observed by measurement or detection devices or by human sensory impression including when enhanced by tools. In order to be observable, instances of E5 Event must consist of some interaction or action of material substance. In some cases, the spatiotemporal confinement of the event itself, such as a flash, a car stopping etc. marks the limits of a documented observation of an event. In other cases, such as the situation of a car passing by a certain object, the spatiotemporal limits of the event of observing itself, as well as the direction of attention or the orientation of used instruments, may constrain the observed detail of a larger process, e.g., noticing the sight of a car passing by; a light emission, etc. Conceptual objects manifest through their carriers such as books, digital media, or even human memory. Attributes of conceptual objects, such as number of words, can be observed on their carriers. If the respective properties between carriers differ, either they carry different instances of conceptual objects or the difference can be attributed to accidental deficiencies in one of the carriers. In that sense even immaterial objects are observable. By this model we address the fact that frequently, the actually observed carriers of conceptual objects are not explicitly identified in documentation, i.e., they are assumed to have existed but they are unknown as individuals.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_class = (SELECT cv.fk_class FROM che.class_version cv LEFT JOIN che.class cc ON cc.pk_class = cv.fk_class WHERE cv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND cc.identifier_in_namespace = 'S15');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This class comprises natural events or man-made processes that create, alter or change physical things, by affecting permanently their form or consistency without changing their identity. Examples include alterations on depositional features-layers by natural factors or disturbance by roots or insects, organic alterations, petrification, etc.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_class = (SELECT cv.fk_class FROM che.class_version cv LEFT JOIN che.class cc ON cc.pk_class = cv.fk_class WHERE cv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND cc.identifier_in_namespace = 'S18');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This class comprises actions measuring instances of S15 Observable Entity, properties of physical things, or phenomena, states and interactions or events, that can be determined by a systematic procedure. Primary data from measurement devices are regarded to be results of an observation process.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_class = (SELECT cv.fk_class FROM che.class_version cv LEFT JOIN che.class cc ON cc.pk_class = cv.fk_class WHERE cv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND cc.identifier_in_namespace = 'S21');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This class comprises activities of taking a sample and measuring or analyzing it as one unit of activity, in which the sample is typically not identified and preserved beyond the context of this activity. Instances of this class describe the taking of one or more samples regardless whether they are explicitly identified in documentation or preserved beyond this activity. The dimensions observed by the respective measurement of this particular sample are regarded as dimensions of the instance of S10 Material Substantial at the place from which the samples were taken. Therefore, the class S3 Measurement by Sampling inherits the properties of S2 Sample Taking, O3 sampled from: S10 Material Substantial and O4 sampled at: E53 Place, and the properties of S21 Measurement O24 measured: S15 Observable Entity. It needs not instantiate the properties O5 removed: S13 Sample and O24 measured: S15 Observable Entity, if the sample is not documented beyond the context of the activity.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_class = (SELECT cv.fk_class FROM che.class_version cv LEFT JOIN che.class cc ON cc.pk_class = cv.fk_class WHERE cv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND cc.identifier_in_namespace = 'S3');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This class comprises the activity of gaining scientific knowledge about particular states of physical reality through empirical evidence, experiments and measurements. We define observation in the sense of natural sciences, as a kind of human activity: at some place and within some time-span, certain physical things and their behavior and interactions are observed by human sensory impression, and often enhanced by tools and measurement devices. Observed situations or dimensions may pertain to properties confined to a single instance of S15 Observable Entity or pertain to constellations of multiple instances and relations between them, in particular distances between them. The output of the internal processes of measurement devices that do not require additional human interaction are in general regarded as part of the observation and not as additional inference. Primary data from measurement devices are regarded in this model to be results of observation and can be interpreted as propositions believed to be true within the (known) tolerances and degree of reliability of the device. Measurements and witnessing of events are special cases of observations. Observations result in a belief that certain propositions held at a time within the time-span of the observation. In this model, the degree of confidence in the observed properties is regarded to be “true” by default, but could be described differently by adding a property P3 has note to an instance of S4 Observation</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_class = (SELECT cv.fk_class FROM che.class_version cv LEFT JOIN che.class cc ON cc.pk_class = cv.fk_class WHERE cv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND cc.identifier_in_namespace = 'S4');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This class comprises types of properties. Typically, instances of S9 Property Type would be taken from an ontology or terminological system. In particular, instances of this class can be used to describe in a parametric way what kind of properties the values in scientific data sets are about. By virtue of such descriptions, numeric data can be interpreted as sets of propositions in terms of a formal ontology, such as “concentration of nitrate”, observed in the ground water from a certain borehole.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_class = (SELECT cv.fk_class FROM che.class_version cv LEFT JOIN che.class cc ON cc.pk_class = cv.fk_class WHERE cv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND cc.identifier_in_namespace = 'S9');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This class comprises a mass of matter in fluid form environmentally constraint in some persistent form allowing for identifying it for the management or research of material phenomena, such as a part of the sea, a river, the atmosphere or the milk in a bottle. Fluids are generally defined by the continuity criterion which is characteristic of their substance: their amorphous matter is continuous and tends to flow. Therefore, contiguous amounts of matter within a fluid body may stay contiguous or at least be locally spatially confined for a sufficiently long time in order to be temporarily identified and traced. This is a much weaker concept of stability of form than the one we would apply to what one would call a physical object. In general, an instance of Fluid Body may gain or lose matter over time through so-called sources or sinks in its surface, in contrast to physical things, which may lose or gain matter by exchange of pieces such as spare parts or corrosion.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_class = (SELECT cv.fk_class FROM che.class_version cv LEFT JOIN che.class cc ON cc.pk_class = cv.fk_class WHERE cv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND cc.identifier_in_namespace = 'S14');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This class comprises activities of determining positions in space and time. The determined position is intended to approximate a part or all of the extent of the presence (instance of E93 Presence) of an instance of E18 Physical Thing or E4 Period of interest, such as the outer walls of an excavated settlement, the position of a ship sailing or the start and end of athlete''s run in a competition. Characteristically, a theodolite or GPS device may be positioned on some persistent feature. Determining the position of the device will yield an approximation of the position of the feature of interest. Alternatively, some material item may be observed moving through a determined position at a given time. This class does not inherit properties from class S21 Measurement. A position determination is an evaluation of a combination of measurement of multiple associated distances and/or angles (instances of E54 Dimension) from a particular spot to certain reference points of previously known position in the same reference space. A particular role is played by the Earth''s magnetic field and rotational axis as reference for an angle or direction. Often, the observed constituting dimensions are not documented, or hidden in an electronic device software. The determined position is given as an E94 Space Primitive corresponding to a declarative place. Together with the measured time-span covering the time-critical observations it forms a spacetime volume, which should normally overlap with the spatiotemporal extent of the thing or phenomenon of interest.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_class = (SELECT cv.fk_class FROM che.class_version cv LEFT JOIN che.class cc ON cc.pk_class = cv.fk_class WHERE cv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND cc.identifier_in_namespace = 'S23');


UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property associates an instance of S1 Matter Removal with the instance of S10 Material Substantial that this activity diminished. Although an instance of S1 Matter Removal activity normally concerns only one item of S10 Material Substantial, it is possible to imagine circumstances under which more than one item might be diminished by a single Matter Removal activity. An instance S1 Matter Removal activity requires to diminish at least one item of S10 Material Substantial. This may be realized by any of the subproperties of O1 diminished . Therefore the instantiation of a particular subproperty of O1 diminished is not necessary.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O1');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property associates an instance of S2 Sample Taking with the instance of S13 Sample that was taken during the activity.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O5');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property describes that an instance of S10 Material Substantial was or is contained in another instance of S10 Material Substantial regardless of whether the identity of the involved instances is based on the persistence of the form of material or on material substance that may change form.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O25');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property associates an instance of E5 Event that triggered another instance of E5 Event with the latter. It identifies the interaction between events: an event can activate (trigger) other events in a target system that is in a situation of sustained tension, such as a trap or an unstable mountain slope giving way to a land slide after a rain or earthquake. In that sense the triggering event is interpreted as a cause. However, the association of the two events is based on their temporal proximity, with the triggering event ending when the triggered event starts.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O13');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property associates an instance of S10 Material Substantial with the instance of E53 Place that this substance occupied. It describes the space filled (occupied) by a physical matter. This property is the development of the shortcut expressed in the proposition of classification: “S20 Physical Feature” isA “E53 Place”. This property is equivalent to P156 occupies (is occupied by) with domain E18 Physical Thing and range E53 Place.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O15');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property associates an instance of S24 Sample Splitting with the instance of S13 Sample which is the original sample being split.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O27');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property associates an instance of S23 Position Determination with the instance of E94 Space Primitive which is the result of that determination. The instance of E94 Space Primitive approximates the place occupied by the entity whose position is being determined.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O30');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property associates an instance of S23 Position Determination with the instance of E52 Time-Span for which the determination is valid according to the observer at the time of the observation. No inferences can be made in relation to the validity of the determination outside this time-span despite the fact that some entities are relatively stable and their positions may remain the same after the determination. The time-span of validity should fall within the overall time-span of the process of determination.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O31');

UPDATE che.text_property SET text_property = '<p>This property connects an instance of S23 Position Determination with the instance of S15 Observable Entity whose position is being determined.</p>' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_text_property_type = 1 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pp ON pp.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pp.identifier_in_namespace = 'O32');
perrauda commented 11 months ago
UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was diminished by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O1');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was removed by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O2');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was sample by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O3');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was sampling location of' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O4');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was removed by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O5');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'has former or current part' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O6');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'is contained in' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O25');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'is confined by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O7');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was observed by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O8');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'property type was observed by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O9');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'dimension was assigned by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O10');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was described by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O11');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'is dimension of' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O12');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was triggered by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O13');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was occupied by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O15');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'value was observed by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O16');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was generated by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O17');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was altered by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O18');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was object encountered through' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O19');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'type of part was sampled by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O20');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'witnessed encounter' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O21');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'defines' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O23');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was measured by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O24');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was source for' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O27');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'is conceptually less than' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O28');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was sub-sample removed by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O29');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'is time-span validity for' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O31');

UPDATE che.label SET inverse_label = 'was located by' WHERE fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND fk_property = (SELECT pv.fk_property FROM che.property_version pv LEFT JOIN pr ON pr.pk_property = pv.fk_property WHERE pv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND pr.identifier_in_namespace = 'O32');

Mettre à jour tous les standard_label

--// Mettre à jour les label des property_versions

UPDATE che.property_version vv SET standard_label = CONCAT(lbl.label, ' (', lbl.inverse_label, ')') FROM che.label lbl WHERE vv.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND lbl.fk_namespace_for_version = 193 AND lbl.fk_property = vv.fk_property
perrauda commented 11 months ago

Les subClass et subProperty, les faire dans le GUI

{"S23": ["S4"]}

{"O9": ["188:P177"], "O24": ["O8"], "O27": ["O3"], "O31": ["188:P4"], "O32": ["O8"]}

perrauda commented 11 months ago

Mettre à jour dans le GUI le ScopeNote de S23 car il s'agit d'un insert

perrauda commented 11 months ago

Contrôler manuellement les exemples