geowarin / friendly-errors-webpack-plugin

Recognizes certain classes of webpack errors and cleans, aggregates and prioritizes them to provide a better Developer Experience.
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recommending a different eslint-loader formatter in the docs #91

Open stavalfi opened 5 years ago

stavalfi commented 5 years ago

After looking into @babel/code-frame to improve the code-frame of eslint errors, i saw that someone already done that (maybe without @babel/code-frame).

my initial poc for showing any (not just eslint) error code frame using @babel/code-frame is: (very bad implementation but it's working)

function displayError(severity, error) {
  const locationInfo = error.message

  const [line, column] = locationInfo.split(':')

  const filePath = error.webpackError.module.resource
  const rawFileAsString = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8')

  const location = { start: { line: Number(line), column: Number(column.slice(0, column.length - 1)) } }

  const result = codeFrameColumns(rawFileAsString, location, {
    highlightCode:true // show colors in the code that we print in the terminal


  return result

the core problem is finding the line and column numbers. we just don't have them. we need to to give to babel and to create a link so the user can go to the error location.

when writing a eslint-formatter, you have direct access to them.

in the furure, if we can find a way to get the column and line number nicely, we can build a single solution for any kind of errors. for now, i'm not sure how so i have a solution to the eslint errors.

npm install eslint-formatter-friendly --save-dev

This is a different (non-default) eslint-loader formatter to show warnings and errors:

    loader: 'eslint-loader',
    options: {
      // ...
      formatter: require('eslint-formatter-friendly')

The errors will look like this now:

instead of: (with the default eslint-loader formatter):