gepd / Deviot

Sublime Text plugin for IoT development based in PlatformIO ecosystem (Arduino IDE)
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Library path requirements between deviot and platformio #162

Open jwhendy opened 7 years ago

jwhendy commented 7 years ago

This is related to #88 and some discussion in #154.

My understanding is that deviot should now tolerate a typical platformio setup. Here is a way I went about setting up a reproducible example. It requires at least some external library; if you don't have one installed, you can use this one, a pretty small library for reading a wheatstone bridge HX711 board.


You're up-to-date! PlatformIO 3.4.1 is currently the newest version available.

- `Deviot -> New sketch -> deviot-lib-test`; then navigate to `~/Arduino` for the directory choice
- `Deviot -> Select board`; I choose Uno
- add library to use (HX711 or one of your choice):


include "HX711.h"

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: }

void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: }

- `Deviot -> Compile`: get error; this is also needed for Deviot to create `platformio.ini`

~/Arduino/deviot-lib-test/lib/HX711/HX711.cpp:2:19: fatal error: HX711.h: No such file or directory


^ compilation terminated.

- go to directory to make platformio compliant:

$ cd ~/Arduino/deviot-lib-test $ mkdir src $ mv deviot-lib-test.ino src/ $ ln -s src/deviot-lib-test.ino $ mkdir lib $ ln -s ~/Arduino/libraries/HX711 ## or library of your choice $ cp /tmp/Deviot/deviot-lib-test/platformio.ini ./

- show that platformio compiles:

$ platformio run [ ... ] [SUCCESS] Took 0.75 seconds

- re-try in Deviot now that we have a `platformio` compliant structure. Get same error:


So, as it is, it doesn't appear that Deviot will take accept the structure that works for `platformio`.


I did a second test, which *did* work:

- new sketch called `pio-struc`, located in `~/Arduino`
- `Deviot -> Use PlatformIO Structure`
- `Deviot -> Select board`: Arduino Uno
- `Deviot -> Compile` on blank template (seems required to trigger creation of `src`, `lib`, and `platformio.ino`
- Add `#include "HX711.h"` as above, save file
- link library:

$ cd ~/Arduino/pio-struct $ ln -s ~/Arduino/libraries/HX711 lib/

- `Deviot -> Compile`, success.

[ Deviot 2.1.1 ] Starting... [Thu Sep 7 10:51:04 2017] Processing uno (platform: atmelavr; board: uno; framework: arduino) [ ... ] [SUCCESS] Took 0.82 seconds


Based on conversations in #154 , I'm not sure if you meant that the first example *should* work, or only if one chooses the `platformio` structure option. I can see a few ways to approach...

- **bug:** if it works with `platformio`, it should work with Deviot
- **not a bug:** Deviot by default expects a simple Arduino like structure, and if the user wishes to use the other structure, he/she should specify it
- **not a bug:** from further reading, it appears that `platformio` doesn't really intend for `~/Arduino/libraries` to be linked in this folder (it's for truly custom libraries created for the project itself)... instead, I think the intended way is to use [`lib_extra_dirs`]( which I verified is what Deviot does with `Deviot -> Library options -> Extra library folder`.
- **bug:** since Arduino doesn't require special behavior to load from `~/Arduino/libraries`, neither should Deviot (add this directory by default to `lib_extra_dirs` during install)


As a side note for compatibility, if you have this structure, compiling works with Deviot, `platformio` and Arduino simultaneously (omitted `lib` and `platformio.ini` for brevity).

[deviot-lib-test]$ tree . ├── deviot-lib-test.ino -> src/deviot-lib-test.ino └── src └── deviot-lib-test.ino

Interestingly, if you switch the real file (have it top level) and symlink (put in `src`), Arduino fails!

stat /home/jwhendy/Arduino/deviot-lib-test/src/deviot-lib-test.ino: too many levels of symbolic links Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.

Alright... that's what I've got. Hope that's helpful!
gepd commented 7 years ago

Look how it works in my ubuntu VM


I'm thinking the problem can be other, what is your O.S?

jwhendy commented 7 years ago

Hmm. That's interesting for sure. To be clear, you are not using the Use PlatformIO Structure option and it still works after linking? As I said above:

...I'm not sure if you meant that the first example should work, or only if one chooses the platformio structure option.

I'm on arch linux.

$ uname -a
Linux whammy 4.12.10-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 30 12:18:42 CEST 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
gepd commented 7 years ago

I've check now with Use PlatformIO Structure activated, and it work as well. But I think I know what is the step you missing.

When you activate Use PlatformIO Structure The folder structure will change, if you have you sketch in:

~/Desktop/sketch/deviot-lib-test.ino Deviot will move the sketch to the src folder and you will end with the platformio structure, you will need to add the symlink in ~/Desktop/sketch/lib/

At least in ubuntu is working, will check now on arch linux

jwhendy commented 7 years ago

Ah, I know what the issue is. I got used to symlinking dir/file.ino to dir/src/file.ino due to previous issues. I thought Deviot wanted dir/file.ino, but it would fail on me due to libraries and then I'd give up and switch to using platformio directly, which would complain that there was nothing in src. So, I adopted this symlink pattern.

If I edit dir/src/file.ino, it works. To reproduce, with your structure as-is try:

$ cd test
$ ln -s src/test.ino

Now open test/test.ino and try to compile (without Use PlatformIO Structure option).

Not sure if you consider this a bug... but technically the file is there in src, I'm guessing that Deviot's path just isn't looking there if you're editing from one dir higher?

Edit: for clarity:

$ tree
├── lib
│   └── HX711 -> /home/jwhendy/Arduino/libraries/HX711
├── pio-struct-test.ino -> src/pio-struct-test.ino     ### open this; compile will fail
├── platformio.ini
└── src
    └── pio-struct-test.ino                            ### open this; compile succeeds
gepd commented 7 years ago

If you don't have checked the Use PlatformIO Structure and there is no platformio.ini file in dir/, deviot will add the src_dir flag in the platformio.ini located in tmp/Deviot/test/ with the path of your folder sketch. So will not matter if you have dir/src/test.ino or dir/test.ino the dir/ folder will be use as the src folder without use the src_dir flag

let me know if you understand that, I think that explanation was a little confusing

jwhendy commented 7 years ago

I don't totally get it...

I take it that deviot will, then, not add the src_dir flag. Indeed:

$ cat /tmp/Deviot/pio-struct-test/platformio.ini
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = nanoatmega328

Based on this, is it odd that I get the error? Without this src_dir flag, where does deviot look for lib? In my mind, I wondered if it would look in ../lib if it expects that I'm editing dir/src/file.ino. In fact, I'm editing dir/file.ino so it should be looking in ./lib.

gepd commented 7 years ago

If you have:

├── lib
│   └── HX711 -> /home/jwhendy/Arduino/libraries/HX711
├── platformio.ini
└── src
    └── pio-struct-test.ino

Deviot will considerate this a PlatformIO project and will compile without problem


├── lib
│   └── HX711 -> /home/jwhendy/Arduino/libraries/HX711
├── pio-struct-test.ino
├── platformio.ini
└── src
    └── (symlink) pio-struct-test.ino

This will work in PlatformIO CLI but deviot will move the sketch to the src folder, this is a bug as I said in

In both cases, Deviot will not use the tmp/Deviot folder (even if it's already there) because the platformio.ini file is in the project folder and PlatformIO structure will always have priority, also it will not add the src_folder

But if you have:

├── lib
│   └── HX711 -> /home/jwhendy/Arduino/libraries/HX711
├── pio-struct-test.ino
└── src
    └── (symlink) pio-struct-test.ino

It won't be a PlatformIO project, so platformio.ini and the rest of the folders will be created (or use in case it already are there) in tmp/Deviot/...

That means you should use tmp/Deviot/pio-struct-test/lib to store your libraries (make a symlink)

But be aware, the src_dir flag will overwrite the src folder in your project, not the lib folder