Closed ghost closed 8 years ago
What are the MCU
you are looking specifically? there is 4 ATTINY85
in the board list
Adafruit Trinket 3V/8MHz - Trinket 5V/16MHz - Adafruit Gemma
Digistump Digispark (Default - 16 MHz)
I can request the new boards to the platformio team (the core of deviot) so you can work without problem
which I use with Arduino as ISP
with my Pro Mini, but I didn't look further than the Atmel menu to be honest..
In the last version of platformio (2.9.1), is included a new support for the ATTINY
boards, you can look for it, under the Generic ATTiny
If you don't have the last version of platformio go to Deviot Menu > Options > Upgrade Platformio
Howdy, there is an ATMEL section under board but it does not show 'the usual suspects' like tiny45, 44, 84 and 85. Would you please add these as an enhancement?