gepd / Stino

A Sublime Text Plugin for Arduino
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avrdude: no programmer has been specified on the command line #23

Open elbrinke opened 8 years ago

elbrinke commented 8 years ago


I am running Arduino IDE 1.6.9 with Sublime 3. When i try to run any sketch through Sublime with Stino installed, i get the following error:

[Stino - Start building "Desktop"...] [ 3%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/Desktop.ino.cpp.o... [ 6%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/hooks.c.o... [ 10%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/WInterrupts.c.o... [ 13%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/wiring.c.o... [ 16%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/wiring_analog.c.o... [ 20%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/wiring_digital.c.o... [ 23%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/wiring_pulse.c.o... [ 26%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/wiring_shift.c.o... [ 30%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/abi.cpp.o... [ 33%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/CDC.cpp.o... [ 36%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp.o... [ 40%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/HardwareSerial0.cpp.o... [ 43%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/HardwareSerial1.cpp.o... [ 46%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/HardwareSerial2.cpp.o... [ 50%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/HardwareSerial3.cpp.o... [ 53%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/IPAddress.cpp.o... [ 56%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/main.cpp.o... [ 60%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/new.cpp.o... [ 63%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/PluggableUSB.cpp.o... [ 66%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/Print.cpp.o... [ 70%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/Stream.cpp.o... [ 73%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/Tone.cpp.o... [ 76%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/USBCore.cpp.o... [ 80%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/WMath.cpp.o... [ 83%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/WString.cpp.o... [ 86%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core_arduino/wiring_pulse.S.o... [ 90%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/core.a... [ 93%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/Desktop.elf... [ 96%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/Desktop.eep... [100%] Creating /tmp/Stino_build/Desktop/Desktop.hex... Sketch uses 1,808 bytes (5.6%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32,256 bytes. Global variables use 222 bytes (10.8%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1,826 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes. [Stino - Done building "Desktop" in 3.2s.] [Stino - Start uploading...]

avrdude: no programmer has been specified on the command line or the config file Specify a programmer using the -c option and try again [Stino - Exit with error code 1.]

But when i run the same Arduino sketches using the Arduino IDE, it works perfectly.

Can anyone help me with this? I would really appreciate it.

Thanks. E

Leomund commented 8 years ago

Same problem. Anyone know what to do?

WillpowerStudios commented 8 years ago

Same issue.

dnnssgl commented 8 years ago

Same here on MacOs

c1111f1 commented 8 years ago

I found that the problem is caused by adding "{program.verify}" as a argument of "avrdude". I tried to modify files in "preset" of the package folder, but it cannot work.

Finally, I add sentence “ self.cmds[0] = self.cmds[0].replace('{program.verify}','') ” to \Packages\Stino\stino\pyarduino\ And delete arduino_uploader.pyc. Run sublime again.

It works!!!!

I tried MacOS and windows both. All OK.

wangxiya commented 7 years ago

Where shall I add sentence “ self.cmds[0] = self.cmds[0].replace('{program.verify}','') ” to \Packages\Stino\stino\pyarduino\ which line? Thanks a lot!

c1111f1 commented 7 years ago

In my version, the location is after line 123.

c1111f1 commented 7 years ago

I also provide the file in my website.

beltet commented 7 years ago

It did not work for me, can you please upload the file somewhere else? The website is down.

c1111f1 commented 7 years ago

Pls send me your email. I will send it to you.

beltet commented 7 years ago

Thanks! But I managed to fix it. What I did was: Reinstall Windows 10 Install Sublime Text 3 Install Stino Install Arduino IDE(latest to date) Connect Stino and Arduino IDE Install USBasp drivers with Zadig(Win something..) Tested a blink upload with programmer and it worked like a charm. I have tried everything prior to this. Have given 3 evenings to try out different suggestions from people. Without any results. So now in anger I backed up all important files and wiped the machine. And it works as it should now. Must have been something (I believe WinAVR) that have been interfering in some way. Thanks all for the suggestions btw. It have been very educational.