geraintluff / uri-templates

JavaScript utility for RFC 6570: URI Templates
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Explode values after non-explodes #19

Open sebilasse opened 9 years ago

sebilasse commented 9 years ago

Hey Geraint, given the template {/id}{/foo*}{?rql*} and the URI 'http://localhost/ab/foo/bar' de-substitution produces { foo: [ 'ab', 'foo', 'bar' ] } but shouldn't it be { id: 'ab', foo: [ 'foo', 'bar' ] } ???

The comma delimited syntax {/id,foo*} works but I think the above should work the same...

sebilasse commented 9 years ago

@geraintluff I am using this function now to "normalize" an RFC6570 template (which is submitted by users in an ldo, so I don't know what syntax they submit) :

function normalizeLDO(ldo) {
  var op = false;
  var tpls = ldo.href.split('{');
  if (tpls.length > 1) {
    var href = ['#',ldo.href].join('');
    return href.replace(/\/\{\//g,'{/').split('}{').map(function(p){
      var cOp = p.substring(0,1);
        if ((cOp === '.' || cOp === '/') && (!op || op === cOp)) {
            op = cOp;
            return [',',p.substring(1)].join('');
        } else {
          return (!op) ? p : ['}{',p].join('');
  return ldo;
Ricky-N commented 6 years ago

I'm also having problems with explodes after a list of non-explode variables. This isn't tested out in uritemplate-test so I'm following up with a PR there, but here's a failing test:

1:    Extended examples (de-substitution) Additional Examples 5: Explode Combinations {?id,token,keys*}

      "?id=admin&token=12345" === "?id=admin&token=12345&key1=val1&key2=val2"

         <no stack>

      - ?id=admin&token=12345&key1=val1&key2=val2
      + ?id=admin&token=12345

I tested the same examples against this other implementation and it passed, but we have a bit of fairly central code that depends on this so I'm not sure whether it is more appropriate to fix here or switch over.

Ricky-N commented 6 years ago

Test case PR is here, but there are several open PRs with no response, so not sure how long that will take to get through.