geraintpalmer / DetectingDeadlockInQingNetworkSimulation

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Analytical versions for more networks #13

Open drvinceknight opened 9 years ago

drvinceknight commented 9 years ago

Following #8 get the analytical version for other topologies:

geraintpalmer commented 9 years ago

Analytical model for 2 Node network with feedback loops. Managed to write MC using (i, j) notation and only minor tweaks to trnasitions:: plt_n2 plt_n1 plt_mu2 plt_mu1 plt_l2 plt_l1

drvinceknight commented 9 years ago

These look awesome and I very much look forward to seeing the MC. Great job. :+1:

geraintpalmer commented 9 years ago

n1_heatmap n2_heatmap