geraldsev / testmee

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integrate picture of pet customer selected for to donate to on their behalf in large print image on order so they can see it and make it large at bottom of order. #10

Open sync-by-unito[bot] opened 3 years ago

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 3 years ago

somehow have almost like a slot machine with the pets rotating where customer can select one to donate to in the yellow position above. Then that is their pet.

┆Attachments: 3 pets rotating very small to select on individual product pages before purchase.png | graphic rotating banner product pages select pet charity.png | small pet charity icon.png | small donate button pet charity.png

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 3 years ago

➤ Yvette Sabellona commented:

cyruslion gera_digital How about this one? Any ideas? Let's discuss this on Oct 2?