Closed Karmenzind closed 4 years ago
I installed YCM in a virtual machine, so I can test it there. However, I can't make it work. I installed python3-dev
and python3-jedi
, then I compiled YCM with python3 ./
successfully. How do you open the popup?
Edit: I could open some popus now, with Ctrl+Space. It looks fine for me in this case.
Thanks. It's completion rather than signature help in your picture. And completion works fine here too. Completion in YCM:
And signature help was triggered after I typed left bracket:
I didn't use any hot keys to invoke them.
My VIM is 8.2. I checked my vimrc and find these:
set completeopt+=longest,menu
if has('patch-8.1.1902')
set completeopt+=popup
set completepopup=height:10,width:60,highlight:Pmenu,border:off
set pumwidth=10
But signature popup still worked after I commented out these lines.
I can't test the signature help since I couldn't configure YCM. This is a new feature of Vim available only on unstable distros or rolling-releases. I would need more time to install Debian 11 or Arch in a VM.
However, I did some fixes. YCM gets highlighting from syntastic definitions, which I had defined (while solarized does not), so it probably was making a conflict. Update vim-atomic and tell me if it works now. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for your help. Sorry it doesn't work.
What operating system are you using? Maybe I can help you setup YCM.
Well, I'm using Debian 9. I had Debian 10 in a VM to test things, so I cloned it and installed YCM on it. Vim version was under 8.1.1875, so I installed Vim again from the sid repositories. However, it was not enough: YCM was unable to load python 3.8. I will download Manjaro i3 to test it.
Ok, this issue is fixed. Check if it works now. (I installed Manjaro i3 in a VM, with the latest vim version, the latest python version, and it worked very fast. It seems Pmenu
syntax needs cterm=reverse
Good job. Thanks a lot.
I'm using YouCompleteMe and it can popup signature help as below.
And in solarized it's like:
But in atomic, the parameters are totally invisible:
Hope you can fix the colors. Thank you.