gerardog / gsudo

Sudo for Windows
MIT License
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Feature Request: Add '#' to lines in elevated shell process? (to mimic Linux) #316

Closed e-t-l closed 8 months ago

e-t-l commented 8 months ago


I have no idea if this is even possible, but could an octothorpe symbol # be prepended each line in the elevated shell process created by gsudo? In addition to being a nice aesthetic similarity to the Linux shell, its presence would also be a visible reminder to the user that they are working in an elevated process.

Proposed technical details

Just like how a sudo-elevated Linux shell line starts with username@hostname:~/directory:#, gsudo in Windows CMD would look like `C:\Users\Username\directory>#

Ideally, the octothorpe would be nonfunctional (i.e. the shell/interpreter completely ignores it) and not able to be deleted or removed without exiting the elevated process.

All things considered, I recognize this is probably a low-priority enhancement, and a potentially difficult one to execute. Just wanted to run the idea by you!

gerardog commented 8 months ago

In Windows CMD it is already doing it: image

In Powershell you need to run: notepad $profile and add the following lines:

Import-Module "gsudoModule"
Set-Alias prompt gsudoPrompt

and that will enable the behaviour: image

e-t-l commented 8 months ago

Ah, so it does. I think I got this repo confused with Sorry to waste your time!