gerbaudo / SusyTest0

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Dbg cr yields #45

Closed gerbaudo closed 10 years ago

gerbaudo commented 10 years ago

Several changes:

gerbaudo commented 10 years ago

Note that there is a change in the cutflow because I moved the charge flip upstream. However, this change is only in the intermediate selection stages, and the number of events at final selection is the same.

SusyPlot  \
 -i filelist/Sherpa_CT10_lllnu_WZ.txt \
 -s Sherpa_CT10_lllnu_WZ  \
 -o /tmp/SusyPlot_ref.root

See table below.

Ref dbg-cr-yields @ b29dbc2 New master after syst-htf
Dilepton type ee mm em Dilepton type ee mm em
category 23873 36329 31073 category 23873 36329 31073
nSigLep 23873 34604 30212 nSigLep 23873 34604 30212
tauVeto 22106 32101 29481 tauVeto 22106 32101 29481
trig: 20679 30867 28483 trig: 20602 30867 28352
trig match: 20679 30867 28483 trig match: 20602 30867 28352
mc prompt2l 20541 30859 28366 mc prompt2l 20465 30859 28235
3rdLepVeto 20367 7672 27214 3rdLepVeto 20291 7672 27085
fjVeto 16808 7156 24089 fjVeto 16738 7156 23970
bjVeto 15269 6761 22619 bjVeto 15201 6761 22503
ge1j 9169 2963 11127 ge1j 9144 2963 11082
eq1j 5203 1868 6825 eq1j 5189 1868 6799
lepPt 3444 743 1562 lepPt 3444 743 1562
mllZveto 1392 743 1562 mllZveto 1392 743 1562
Detall 1392 484 1039 Detall 1392 484 1039
MtMax 1392 172 316 MtMax 1392 172 316
Mlj 878 97 154 Mlj 878 97 154
ht 233 45 154 ht 233 45 154
metRel 73 45 154 metRel 73 45 154
mWwt 73 45 79 mWwt 73 45 79
ge2j 3966 1095 4302 ge2j 3955 1095 4283
lepPt 2499 256 1200 lepPt 2499 256 1200
mllZveto 1111 256 1200 mllZveto 1111 256 1200
Detall 1111 188 846 Detall 1111 188 846
MtMax 418 188 846 MtMax 418 188 846
Mljj 85 38 198 Mljj 85 38 198
ht 85 17 198 ht 85 17 198
metRel 43 17 198 metRel 43 17 198
mWwt 43 17 40 mWwt 43 17 40