Open gerbaudo opened 10 years ago
Two plots; more plots here Number of raw events
sample num denom
allBkgButHf 37316.0 72731.0
allBkg 37319.0 72861.0
data 4095.0 65598.0
diboson 35724.0 54432.0
heavyflavor 3.0 130.0
higgs 4187.0 6842.0
ttbar 1439.0 15263.0
wjets 44.0 1722.0
zjets 109.0 1314.0
note to self:
LEP_TYPE="conv hf hflf lf real"
for L in ${LEP_TYPE} ;
./python/ -n elec_fakeHF_all_l_pt_${L}_num -o trashbin/fake_el_sf_test/ out/fakerate/merged/*${TAG}.root
./python/ -n elec_fakeHF_all_l_pt_${L}_den -o trashbin/fake_el_sf_test/ out/fakerate/merged/*${TAG}.root;
Things to check:
with the additional 'mc-truth-labeled' histograms (tag Apr_01
&& SS with the additional 'mc-truth-labeled' histograms (tag Apr_02
written for the optimization
Trying to understand the fake electron scale factor. Select events with MeasureFakeRate2::passHFCR_testSs Try to address the following questions: