gerddie / ginkgocadx

Advanced DICOM viewer
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How to enable 3d reconstructruction #20

Closed ribalda closed 8 years ago

ribalda commented 8 years ago


I am trying to enable 3d reconstruction via:

Tools -> Settings -> Profiles -> New/Edit; Set 3D Reconstruction: "true",

But I cannot find the 3D reconstruction option.

I am using Linux 64 bits. Any hint?


gerddie commented 8 years ago

Which version are you using? I have only access to what Metaemotion released as open source software, and as far as I can see there is no 3D reconstruction implemented. It has only a TODO in the code and an empty interface definition that might indicate that either the non-free version of the software implements this, or that it was a planned feature that never got implemented. In the open source version that can be compiled from the code here there is also no option "3D Reconstruction" in the profile settings.

ribalda commented 8 years ago

I tried on both, git clone master and the binary from

I have seen youtube videos mentioning it, and also the enable procedure from

Too bad it is not implemented :(

gerddie commented 8 years ago

I see. Well, when I have time for it I might actually implement it. I've developed another tool mialmpick that does CT surface rendering of 3D data, but can't read DICOM files.