gereic / GXAirCom

Multifunctional, compatible DIY aviation proximity awareness, variometer and messaging system with FANET+, FLARM and OGN support.
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Feature Request: T-Beam SUPREME Support #124

Closed cacula closed 11 months ago

cacula commented 1 year ago

Hi, just saw that there will be a new T-Beam Version: Looks like they did a coop with softrf: Any Plans on supporting it? Cheers

jtoloe commented 1 year ago

Support for this board would be great. Looks like it would be perfect for a gxaircom variometer. Comes with BME280, 6 axis IMU and SD card writer already on the board.

gereic commented 1 year ago

I anybody sends me a Board, I can try to support it.

cacula commented 1 year ago

@gereic i will try to preorder 2x T-Beam SUPREME and send you one of them. i live in germany - so i will order the 868 MHz Version. Which version do you want?

gereic commented 1 year ago

I live in Austria, so 868Mhz is perfect.

cacula commented 1 year ago

@gereic i just pre-ordered 2x SUPREME UBLOX 868MHz. Please send me your postal address tobi.cacula+github at gmail

gereic commented 1 year ago

sorry, can't find your e-mail. please send a e-mail to gerald.eichler(a)

VirusPilot commented 1 year ago

I would also welcome support for the T-Beam S3 Supreme and particularly the S3Core board which nicely fits into a Stratux to add transmission functionality, see here:


gereic commented 11 months ago

S3Core is supported since v5.3.5

YetAnotherModelShip commented 9 months ago

I live in Austria, so 868Mhz is perfect.

Hallo gereic. Ich habe ein T-beam supreme board und es hat ein Programm drauf, das die Sensoren etc. anzeigt. Was muss ich tun, um meine eigenen Sketches, die ich in Arduino 2 schreibe, darauf laufen zu lassen? Die Arduino IDE bricht mit Fehlermeldung dass sie nicht uploaden kann ab. Board Verbindung klappt grundsätzlich ... Ich bin ratlos, vielleicht fällt dir was ein. Muss ich etwas Flashen? Tasten betätigen? Danke für deine Antwort.