gergelytakacs / AutomationShield

Arduino library and MATLAB/Simulink API for the AutomationShield Arduino expansion boards for control engineering education.
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MagnetoShield 12V Rail Necessary? #338

Closed topherbuckley closed 1 year ago

topherbuckley commented 1 year ago

We are reviewing this design for use in a course, and we noticed a discrepancy between the Solenoid mentioned in the BOM claiming to be a "5V Electromagnet" yet you have designed it to use the 12V rail. Why is this? Why not use the regulated 5V rail throughout the design? Maybe this was to avoid any voltage drop issues expected on the 5V rail that might be caused by the draw from the solenoid? We were thinking to redesign using a single 5V rail but wanted to check if you had already considered this and avoided it for some reason.

gergelytakacs commented 1 year ago

Hello @topherbuckley Apologize for the late reply, for some reason the notificaitons were not really arriving.

I believe the magnet is actually 12V! That's why the 12V rail:) @erik1392 care to comment?

gergelytakacs commented 1 year ago

The BOM on the Wiki page does not list voltage, points to an eBay seller, where magnet specs are actually 24 V. image The BOM in the MagnetoShield conference paper lists the voltage as 12/24V. image We are not actually sure where you have found the information about the magnet using 5 V. In any case, I believe the current draw will be quite substantial anyways so USB power is likely to be not enough.