gerhard / glz_custom_fields_public

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CSS and JavaScript not being loaded after login when 'Write' is default admin tab #21

Closed ghost closed 12 years ago

ghost commented 13 years ago

Line 1793*: if ( in_array(gps('event'), array("article", "prefs", "glz_custom_fields", "plugin_prefs.glz_custom_fields")) ) { // code to show CSS & JS } Default admin tab is normally Write, but the above condition would return false when the user logs in to the Textpattern backend and is shown the Write tab, as the URL is index.php and not index.php?event=article. This causes some issues with radio and checkbox custom fields as they have their width pushed out to 155px by the standard Textpattern CSS, when normally the glz_custom_field CSS overrides it to auto.

Perhaps this condiotion needs to be removed, or is their another way of determining which page is currently being viewed?

*Line number is approximate, as I had to decode the actual plugin to get the source.