geri-brs / machine-learning

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Questions #1

Open geri-brs opened 5 years ago

geri-brs commented 5 years ago
  1. How many nodes we need to create a neural network?
  2. What kind of activation function we have to use?(e.g. sigmoid, tanh, ReLU)
  3. What is the exact process of backpropagation?
  4. What is regressions(linear, logical) used for? And how regressions work?
  5. What is supervised and unsupervised learning used for?
  6. What is difference between classification, regression or recommended systems?
  7. When we use a convolution neural network with keras, we use neural network?
  8. What are the basics of natural language processing?
mithi commented 5 years ago

1. How many nodes are needed to create a neural network?

Machine Learning Researchers have used trial and error and experimentation to see that works and what doesn't. Then other machine researchers built on top of that to improve existing neural network architectures.

I highly recommend that you check out this article (neural network zoo) to familiarize yourself with the most common neural networks used to day and the corresponding problems that they''re solving.

There is also a paper (Hrushikesh Mhaskar, Tomaso Poggio)Deep vs. shallow networks : An approximation theory perspective which argues why Deep (IE many layers between the input and output layers) are better than having shallow layers only.

Deep neural networks are popular because, in theory, they can learn at different levels of abstraction. For example, layers near the input could learn simple features like lines and curves of different orientations. The middle/hidden layers can use these as inputs to distinguish more complex shapes like face parts (eyes, nose, etc) and the layers near the output could use that information to recognize specific faces based on facial structures. It is very hard to do transfer learning if you only have a small number of hidden layers (IE shallow networks).

You can also use existing pretrained layers of your deep network for other other purposes (layers that detect different kinds of edges for example) This is called transfer learning. You can learn more about transfer learning here (machine learning mastery) and here Dipanjan (DJ) Sarkar

mithi commented 5 years ago

2. What kind of activation function we have to use?(e.g. sigmoid, tanh, ReLU)

We use activation functions to include non-linearity to our neural network.

It depends on what you are trying to achieve and also trial and experimentation. All of them have pros and cons. Here's a brief summary of some types of (SAGAR SHARMA)activation functions.

Here is another article that explains which activation functions are "hot right now" Anish Singh Walia

Some other articles that discuss activation functions:

One of my favorites activation functions that I use is ELU which has been experimentally proven to produce better results than RELU, but is much more computationally expensive than RELU

Selu is elu with a little twist. Learn more about it here:

mithi commented 5 years ago

3. What is the exact process of backpropagation?

I see you have watched the great video by 3Blue1Brown What is backpropagaition doing?


mithi commented 5 years ago

Linear and Logistic Regression

mithi commented 5 years ago

Supervised vs Unsupervised learning

See also:

geri-brs commented 5 years ago

I watched videos about the recurrent neural networks many times. It's a little hard to understand the whole concept but I keep trying :)) Is there any platform or website or any animation where I can see the process of working ?? For example I can see step by step that neural network gets the input, what we multiply a weight matrice and we come into the hidden state and so on. I think it would be easier to understand if I can see this process.

mithi commented 5 years ago

Let me know if the following blog posts helps