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How to mix with python packages ? #7

Open asmodehn opened 8 years ago

asmodehn commented 8 years ago

So looking at the readme, this is all very C++ centric. I have been working on bridging ROS world with usual software world for a few months now, with python (since ROS supports python).

Perhaps I overlooked something but so far I couldn't find any simple way to make a ros package depending on a ( list of ) pip packages (versioned), or vice-versa make a pip package that depends on ros package.

It could simply be due to the fact that debs and pip have quite different usecases, and the closest I came to, was to use to embed all my pips in a venv. Still work in progress though...

So I was curious if there was any other way, or what would be your take on that problem.

gerkey commented 8 years ago

When you say that you want to make a ROS package depend on a list of pip packages, what do you want to do with that dependency information? Do you want to automate installation or configuration of an environment?

asmodehn commented 8 years ago

2 usecases, when working from source :

Then when building a deb package (ROS buildfarm), these dependencies are also packaged somehow (quite tricky) and when I install the package, I get the dependencies at the right version installed on my system, at least for that package...

NikolausDemmel commented 8 years ago

How are the two use cases different? Both sound to me like you want catkin packages to depend on specific verions of pip packages and then for those pip packages to automatically get installed and packaged. This sounds like "internal" use (i.e. with catkin), not external use (i.e. without catkin), which is what this repository is about.

Supporting this in the gerneal does indeed seem tricky. For example, what would you expect to happen when you have a catkin workspace with two ROS package, one depending on pip package foo=1.0, and another depending on foo=2.0?

asmodehn commented 8 years ago

Interesting point about "internal" vs "external"... From my perspective, I would like my packages to be external (can be used without ROS code and robot stuff, but with usual python workflow), but still be usable with catkin(-> cmake), which is just a build system afterall, and for me is distinct from ROS in the sense that it is able to build non-ROS code as well... (although now that I think about it it might not be true for python...)

Context : I am working on web-related backend for robots. I need my package to:

Following your semantic :

So I m stuck between the two, trying to find the best compromise... Feel free to advise :-)

About your question, I would expect each package to come along with its own dependencies, and using it when importing : package A uses its own foo=1.0 and package B uses its own foo=2.0

NikolausDemmel commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. I think I almost got what exactly it is you want to do. I have the following questions:

1) In the Python packages you are developing, do you actually have on ROS dependencies? Or is it purely PIP-installable dependencies? 2) If it is the latter, then if I understand you correctly, you would like to package your PIP package not just as a PIP package, but also as a catkin package (possibly with some ROS specific wrapper code) including all the PIP dependencies to make it self contained and releasable with bloom, right? 3) In the case where you have two ROS pyton-packages, lets call them a_pkg and b_pkg, which depend on foo=1.0 and foo=2.0 respectively, what would happen if in a third ROS python-package c_pkg, you do import a_pkg; import b_pkg. Is that something Python can deal with? I have a hard time imagining how this would work, given that a_pkg and b_pkg come both with distinct venvs containg the foo dependency (in different versions).

asmodehn commented 8 years ago

1) I have a few ros dependencies. mostly rospy, rosgraph, and other core packages. I m trying to keep them minimal (trying to keep maintenance simple). I have, I think, much more pip dependencies (python web related packages). 2) Yes. With or without ROS dependencies, releasing "robot usable" fully functional packages with bloom would be useful ( kind of "all 20 web pip packages merged into one awesome webserver as 1 ros package" ). 3) Python doesn't need to deal with it. The package manager (pip) does. c_pkg comes also with his virtual environment. Into this virtual environment, a_pkg is installed by pip as a dependency, along with foo==1.0. Then b_pkg is installed by pip as the other dependency, and then foo==2.0 overwrites foo==1.0. Not exactly sure about the details (v0.1 might never be installed, there might be warnings/errors, it might depend on how you specify it exactly and it's not a simple problem - see pip issue ), but the point is that there can be only one version of the package installed in the virtual environment in the end. So you know which version everyone is using, likely foo==2.0. FYI : Related pip issues for completeness :

3) Highlight the fact that a ROS python-package, who wants to depend on a ROS python package with virtualenv, has to have a virtualenv as well, because in the end some of the dependencies are just pip packages that wouldn't work with ROS out of the box. Eventually, when all python dependencies make it into their own independent ROS/system package, then the ROS python package could drop its virtualenv and become a usual ROS/system package, since he doesn't have any pip dependency anymore.

asmodehn commented 8 years ago

After quite a lot of painful trials and error, I think I finally managed to find a part of the solution...

I m working on a catkin extension that allows to retrieve pip packages into the workspace and define your current package as a package managed by pip ( and not default catkin ) but stills install it in the workspace.

This way one can work with pip dependencies, with latest python packages, and have other packages find them and import them. And this works from catkin with workspaces.

It works for me for the devel and the install space so far. I ll be using that for my development to find out how far this strategy can be used. Debian packaging is another challenge for another time...

brainwane commented 4 years ago

Hello! Please try the beta of the new resolver in pip 20.2 and see whether that helps?

brainwane commented 3 years ago

pip 20.3 has the new dependency resolver on by default; please see the documentation on how to test and migrate in case it helps you address this problem.

asmodehn commented 3 years ago

@brainwane Thanks for the update. For people arriving here nowadays, here is a small context heads-up related to this topic:

ROS v2 is now up and running with a different system to manage dependencies (including python packages), see for design and for implementation.

ROS v1 has a couple of tools addressing this problem in slightly different ways :