gerlichlab / looptrace

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Folder combination program is too sensitive to filenames with commas and spaces #289

Closed vreuter closed 3 months ago

vreuter commented 3 months ago

Noticed w/ @josephneos1010

vreuter commented 3 months ago

B/c of this change:

vreuter commented 3 months ago
scala> preFields :+ res3 ++ postFields.tail
val res4: Array[String | IndexedSeq[Char | String]] = Array(20240313, 155456, 993, "", Vector(T, i, m, e, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, Point0012, ChannelFar Red,Red, Seq0558.nd2))

scala> preFields ++ Array(res3) ++ postFields.tail
val res5: Array[String] = Array(20240313, 155456, 993, "", Time00042, Point0012, ChannelFar Red,Red, Seq0558.nd2)
vreuter commented 3 months ago

^^ unfortunately, the compiler allows the first expression above, inferring an odd type that would be atypical to have as intended behavior in such a use context, but alas, we will wrap the value.