germain-hug / Deep-RL-Keras

Keras Implementation of popular Deep RL Algorithms (A3C, DDQN, DDPG, Dueling DDQN)
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Quick question about DDPG #16

Closed fccoelho closed 5 years ago

fccoelho commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your very clear code. I was reading through it, but couldn't understand one key step regarding training the agent:

Here is the code:

 # Apply Bellman Equation on batch samples to train our DDQN
        q = self.agent.predict(s)
        next_q = self.agent.predict(new_s)
        q_targ = self.agent.target_predict(new_s)

        for i in range(s.shape[0]):
            old_q = q[i, a[i]]
            if d[i]:
                q[i, a[i]] = r[i]
                next_best_action = np.argmax(next_q[i,:])
                q[i, a[i]] = r[i] + self.gamma * q_targ[i, next_best_action]
                # Update PER Sum Tree
                self.buffer.update(idx[i], abs(old_q - q[i, a[i]]))
        # Train on batch, q)
        # Decay epsilon
        self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay

From my understanding, the Q function maps (state, action) pairs to rewards. However in the code above you assume that the Agent networks to return Q values. However a quick inspection of the Agent model, reveals that it actually returns actions, which makes sense since that's what the agent has to learn. Rewards are be calculated within env.step(action). So then, in the belmann equation you add r[i] + self.gamma * q_targ[i, next_best_action]. Isn't q_targ[i, next_best_action] an action? so how can you add it to a reward?

I am sure I am not seeing some detail in the code that makes this all works. Would you mind clarifying it for me? Thanks.

fccoelho commented 5 years ago

I have figured it out.