gerritdevriese / kzones

KDE KWin Script for snapping windows into zones
GNU General Public License v3.0
238 stars 14 forks source link

Black Screen Overlay #57

Closed ghost closed 5 months ago

ghost commented 6 months ago

When moving a window, upon overlay presentation; the screen goes black. I've never had any display issues; so I'm not sure if there's a settting I've failed to enable; or if I've failed to install some kind of dependency. This is probably my favorite script for KDE Plasma in regards to window management, but this is a bit jarring to deal with anytime I feel like dragging a window.

Apologies if this is not a bug, and instead is merely caused by my own ignorance.

Before: image

During window drag Screenshot_20240103_000007

I use X11.

gerritdevriese commented 6 months ago

Can you check if your compositor is enabled:

Plasma settings: Display and Monitor - Compositor

ghost commented 5 months ago

Apologies for the late response.

I keep the compositor disabled by default. But just to be sure I disabled it via cli. Issue persists.

Earlier today trying to resolve the issue (something I'm not typically good at hah); I reinstalled plasma-desktop and for all of 5-10 minutes I was able to drag windows to their positions without losing visual of the background. But upon restart, the black screen on drag returned.

I ran journalctl -xe | grep kwin but I dont see anything that appears to me to be relevant. I do see

Jan 09 17:26:25 THERAK kwin_x11[2332]: QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'KWin::Output*' for property 'KWin::X11Window::output'
Jan 09 17:26:25 THERAK kwin_x11[2332]: QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'QVector<KWin::VirtualDesktop*>' for property 'KWin::X11Window::desktops

Which seems like an odd error to have as I only have the one desktop. Typically I use activities over desktops. I'm unsure if this is any bit related.

I could do a fresh install and give it another try and report back to see if maybe I had a corrupted package or some weird driver issue if need be. I'm not very good at debugging sadly; as I tend to toss in the towel and reinstall if I can't figure something out after a good while. Pretty lame I know lol

I am running 4 monitors; but I don't figure that would be the issue as it's never given me the problem before. Each display functions the same (even the vertical display); but all displays share the black screen issue mutually.

gerritdevriese commented 5 months ago


I'm pretty sure that disabling the compositor causes this issue, as it is needed for Plasma to be able to draw transparency. Can you try if it works when you enable it? Is there a particular reason you want it disabled?

Nice rice BTW :)

ghost commented 5 months ago

You would be correct! I know very little about the compositor; and honestly don't recall what caused me to make habit of disabling it to be honest haha. I apologize for bothering you with this issue; but I thank you for educating me on this!

Thanks for the compliments on the setup too =). Ironically so, I lost my tilix background when I reinstalled after posting this issue and I can't find that picture of Jinx anywhere lol!

Many thanks for this great script. It's a must have every time I set up!

gerritdevriese commented 5 months ago

No problem, I will add it in the FAQ as this already happened a few times for other people.

I felt bad about your picture, so I looked for it, here it is: