gerritv / Grbl-Panel

A control panel for Grbl
MIT License
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Future Request for file name #107

Closed wlaw closed 7 years ago

wlaw commented 7 years ago

OK, so i'm working with my machine this morning and have 2 files to cut, left side and right side. I just finished cutting one of them and was ready to cut the other. Is there a way for me to tell the file that just finished? :-)

I have been looking for it and cant seem to see it. My wife says that's what I always say :-)

So, is it possible to add the filename that is loaded on the screen? Maybe next to Message. image

Again, thanks for making Grbl-Panel so great.

Kind Regards


wlaw commented 7 years ago

OK, so for now I added this to my VCARVE grbl post processor. ";[TP_FILENAME]" This adds the file name at the top of the G CODE file. image

gerritv commented 7 years ago

I'm puzzled. Above the file control icons is the area where file name is supposed to be. Was it there when you loaded the file with the Folder icon? Since the Run/Start button is not highlighted I am guessing that you don't have a file loaded?

If you hit Stop then I erase the file name. You can click on Recycle (the looped arrow) to reload the file and get the name back. Also consider putting an M30 at end of file, it might help.

Also noticed that you must be using quite an old version, the new version has a Single Step icon next to Start/Run

wlaw commented 7 years ago

image - A bit behind, but I get tired of loading the macro's I use all of the time.

wlaw commented 7 years ago

I guess 9.7 is a bit old, I will upgrade tonight and let you know. I just hate to break something that's working :-)

Thanks for your help.

gerritv commented 7 years ago

Copy the user.config file from %localappdata%\GrblPanel subdirectory to the new one created after you run the new copy first time.

I make new releases when I fix things I didn't get right in the first place :-) I did give up solving the user.config problem, never figured it out.

wlaw commented 7 years ago


wlaw commented 7 years ago

I see it now!

Thanks @gerritv
