gerritv / Grbl-Panel

A control panel for Grbl
MIT License
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More Feedback #11

Closed aeleus closed 9 years ago

aeleus commented 10 years ago

Thanks for writing this. It is by far the best Grbl controller I've tried - simple, but powerful.

Here is some feedback after first use:

  1. I downloaded what should be the latest version (, but Help, About and the properties for the exe still say
  2. It would be great to have the option to configure how many decimal places the position display reads and have it round to that. I'm running a Shapeoko 2 with Nema 23 motors. The fourth decimal place when in inches just means I have to constantly translate in my mind what the position is (e.g., "0.9997" = "1.000"). I'll never be able to use that level of precision.
  3. I may have missed it, but keyboard shortcuts would be nice for elements that allow keyboard entry (e.g., Alt-M activates the cursor in Manual Command).
  4. A configurable file extension filter when opening g-code files would be helpful.
  5. After you load and run a g-code file, it's gone. I'd like to be able to rerun or reload it with a button.

As I said, great work. I'm not a developer, but I'd be happy to help test.


gerritv commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the well thought out feedback.

  1. I will fix that next release, in a week or two. And add a reminder to myself to do this every release :-)
  2. The .997 is a result of Grbl's internals but I can add an option to set this for display purposes. Some of us do get that level of precision.
  3. Keyboard shortcuts work for jogging, I will look at adding more per your suggestion.
  4. Will look at adding that
  5. Yes, this is on my internal list of things to do.

I will be doing a bunch of work on the tool in the next 2 weeks. I might ask for you specific input on some of the items. Gerrit

gerritv commented 9 years ago

Item 1 is fixed, not checked in yet Item 5 is coded and tested, not checked in yet

gerritv commented 9 years ago

The only remaining item is :

  1. The .997 is a result of Grbl's internals but I can add an option to set this for display purposes. Some of us do get that level of precision.
  2. I may have missed it, but keyboard shortcuts would be nice for elements that allow keyboard entry (e.g., Alt-M activates the cursor in Manual Command).
gerritv commented 9 years ago

1, 4 and 5 are now checked in, V1.0.3.0