gerritv / Grbl-Panel

A control panel for Grbl
MIT License
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Feature Request: Macro Buttons #127

Closed FKjolner closed 6 years ago

FKjolner commented 6 years ago

The possibility to use Macro Buttons from the "front page"

I know these are supposed to be mapped to F2-Fsomething, but I'm really not in "keyboard mode" when doing my milling.

Further suggestions on the topic:

  1. Place the buttons directly under the manual command text field.
  2. only show buttons for macros that exist, OR grey the non-existent out.
  3. Button text option in the macro editor. as to define the text on the button (with a limited number of characters. )
  4. allow for 4-5 macros, leave the rest for the F-keys.

This is the ONLY thing I'm missing from GRBL panel at the moment, GREAT product!!

Thanks& Best Regards Fredrik Kjølner.

joebananas10 commented 6 years ago

Don't items one through three already exist? My screen already looks like that. Am I missing something? image

Does your interface look different?

FKjolner commented 6 years ago

I think there is something wrong with how the settings saves and updates. I see what you see now, but there are strange things in how it updates. I need to do more tests. And probably close the Feature Request, open a bug or improvement instead.

Thanks& Best Regards Fredrik Kjølner

gerritv commented 6 years ago

There is a persistent problem with settings/macros not propagating when you use a newer version of GrblPanel. I have tried a few things to get control over that but so far no luck in solving it consistently. The Settings are kept in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\GrblPanel in subdirectories. I would look at the dates and copy 'user.config' from previous dated directory to newest directory.