gerritv / Grbl-Panel

A control panel for Grbl
MIT License
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Error reported on #46

Closed Mac2712 closed 8 years ago

Mac2712 commented 8 years ago

Just downloaded the new version When trying to Jog get the following error

\ Exception Text ** System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: value at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.set_FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex(Int32 value) at GrblPanel.GrblGui.GrblGcodeView.UpdateGCodeStatus(String stat, Int32 index) at GrblPanel.GrblGui.processLineEvent(String data) at GrblPanel.GrblIF.raiseAppSerialDataEvent(String data) at GrblPanel.GrblIF.VB$StateMachine_40__client_ComReadData.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<>c.b__6_0(Object state)

went back to all working ok

gerritv commented 8 years ago

Fixed, sorry about that :-( Scrolling DataGridView's is interesting. See V1.0.9.0a file in the Release for

Mac2712 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the fast response that's working great, love the fast file load. Could I make a suggestion that the XML file for the macros stays the same file for each version.

gerritv commented 8 years ago

Not sure what you mean by 'xml file stays the same'? Once you make a change to config, there is a file in Users//AppData/GrblPanel somewhere that should be your custom version. The .config file in the program folder is the original master and will update each release.

Mac2712 commented 8 years ago

Gerritv sorry for being a bit vague, its the file in Users//AppData/GrblPanel ever time you update to a new version it creates a new folder which contains a new blank file. you have to then make sure you update all the settings and macros on the new version (I missed the MM/Inch setting).

My question is can we not use a fixed location and file so all the data you have set is used by the new version ?

matmurdock commented 8 years ago

Maybe it may be more useful to have an import / export settings feature down the road.

Mat On Feb 7, 2016 5:28 PM, "Mac2712" wrote:

Gerritv sorry for being a bit vague, its the file in Users//AppData/GrblPanel ever time you update to a new version it creates a new folder which contains a new blank file. you have to then make sure you update all the settings and macros on the new version (I missed the MM/Inch setting).

My question is can we not use a fixed location and file so all the data you have set is used by the new version ?

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gerritv commented 8 years ago

I am looking at writing a custom SettingsProvider class to deal with the problem. What you are seeing is default behavior of the Settings Class. Might be a while though before I get to it. In meantime you will have to copy the user.config file from the prev directory to new one. :-( I created Issue 48 for this new item