gerritv / Grbl-Panel

A control panel for Grbl
MIT License
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Couldn't get V1.0.9.5 working on Win 10 #63

Closed CreativeRobotics closed 7 years ago

CreativeRobotics commented 7 years ago

I just tried running the new V1.0.9.5 version on a windows 10 laptop. The application produced unhandled exception errors every time it encountered an unsupported command in the gcode file. When I clear the exception it just stalls so I couldn't get it to work at all and on one attempt I had to force the app to close using the task manager. I reverted to version and ran the same file with no problems - it just reports the unsupported command and waits for me to prompt it to continue.

I'm running the latest version of grbl on an Arduino and controlling a shapeoko. Gcode is generated with CamBam.

gerritv commented 7 years ago

Can you post a screenshot of the exception? and maybe a snippet from the file? I can't reproduce it. I am also on Win 10.

BTW, you don't need to go all the way back to All the releases are here: A lot has been improved/fixed since that old version.

CreativeRobotics commented 7 years ago

I will try when I get a chance over the weekend. I reverted to for purely pragmatic reasons - I was rushing to complete a job, it was already on my machine and it was the version I had been using up until then so I knew it worked with my setup ...

joebananas10 commented 7 years ago

I also had a similar problem getting V1.0.9.5 to run on Win10. The exception I was getting occurred during application startup. The unhandled exception would cause the entire program to close and I could never get it to load. I’ll get you a screenshot of as soon as I can. I was trying to come up with the resolution myself before I filed an issue. I have traced it down to the following block of code in GRBLSettgings.vb/FillSettings

            If (params.Count = 3) Then
                _paramTable.Rows.Add(params(0), params(1), params(2))
                ' We have Grbl in GUI mode, so add Description manually
                index = params(0).Remove(0, 1)
                _paramTable.Rows.Add(params(0), params(1), _settings(index))
            End If

The exception is thrown when index equals 14. I’ve added an IF statement to get past the issue for the moment because I haven’t quite figured out why it fails at only that moment. The new line I created looks like this

                If index <> 14 Then _paramTable.Rows.Add(params(0), params(1), _settings(index))

This allows me to run the app as normal but like I say, I don’t know what Index 14 means at the moment to know where the real problem lies.

gerritv commented 7 years ago

Thank you @joebananas10 , that helps. I will have to test some more using both GUI and non-gui mode versions of Grbl.

I have now reproduced the fault, will release a new version tonight. Thanks all for your patience.

gerritv commented 7 years ago

@joebananas10 what version of Grbl are you running? Your problem is actually different cause from @CreateiveRobotics although end result is the same. 14 is for $14 parameter, auto start which is Grbl 0.8.

I have fixed the original defect, when Grbl errors due to Unsupported Command (or any other error)

gerritv commented 7 years ago

@joebananas10 , @CreateiveRobotics please try 'file removed' . I fixed both defects as far as I can tell. You might also want to test using Enter key to change Grbl Settings as well as Offsets.

If this all works I will do a release!

joebananas10 commented 7 years ago

my grbl version is 0.9g.20140905. Specifically, my version comes from a Carbide 3D board for the Shapeoko3 machine. Lastly, v. works correctly, with no unhandled exception errors, for me. Thanks for the awesome work!!!

CreativeRobotics commented 7 years ago

Just tried the version without any problems so please do go ahead and release - great work, thanks.