gersteinlab / PsychENCODE_SingleCell_Integrative

Integrative Analyses across 388 human brain samples at single-cell resolution
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Some highly expressed genes were filtered out from the pseudo-bulk normalized expression values #4

Closed patzaw closed 2 months ago

patzaw commented 2 months ago


I recomputed pseudo-bulk counts per cell type starting from the counts you provided in the annotated matrices.

I found a few hundred genes that are well expressed but are not present in any of your pseudo-bulk matrices.

Here are the top 20 genes that I found highly expressed in the samples but are not present in your pseudo-bulk matrices: IL1RAPL1, FTX, DMD, LINC00632, DANT2, ATRX, TTTY14, AL008633.1, GPM6B, LINC01278, NLGN4Y, HDAC8, USP9Y, TSPAN7, IDS, CDKL5, UTY, JPX, CASK, DIAPH2.

Do you know why they have been filtered out? I believe they pass your filtering criteria described in the Methods and Materials, but I might have missed something.

Thank you,


prashantemani commented 2 months ago

Hi Patrice, That is an interesting observation. I have reached out to my colleague who worked on those matrices, and will try to have a conversation with him before I get back to you. Best, Prashant

prashantemani commented 2 months ago

Hi Patrice, My colleague Declan looked into this carefully: All the genes you mentioned are on the X or Y chromosomes, which were not analyzed in the associated QTL study. That is why you were unable to find them. Hope this helps! Prashant

patzaw commented 2 months ago

Hi Prashant

Thank you for this information. It does help indeed. Maybe you could add this info to the description of the file for future users.

Thanks again
