gerstrong / Commander-Genius

Modern Interpreter for the Commander Keen (Vorticon Dreams and Galaxy) and also Cosmos Cosmic Adventure games. This is a mirror repo: The main gitlab repository is at:
192 stars 36 forks source link

Can't comprehend keen 5 patches #372

Closed VikingBoyBilly closed 2 months ago

VikingBoyBilly commented 1 year ago

Keen 1 Marooned on Mars Galaxy remake can't let you jump on yorps and statue texts don't appear. Is this even an issue?

gerstrong commented 1 year ago

We had support for this some time ago when Python was still supported. But CG switched to Lua and we never ported that code. The python part was unfinished anyways, so we never had a proper version for that mod anyways.

It is a bit more work to support this mod, we can have a look if you are interested in mod development for CG. Otherwise I'd say for this mod to stick to a Keen5e.exe and Dosbox.