gerstung-lab / MutationTimeR

An R package to time somatic mutations
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Inquiry about the definition of each colnames in the output #17

Open lincj1994 opened 1 year ago

lincj1994 commented 1 year ago

Hi. I am currently working with MutationTimeR and I am having trouble understanding the meaning of each colnames (from MutCN to pMutCNTail). Could someone please provide me with a definition or explanation of each colnames? Thanks.

 [1] "V1"                   "t_alt_count"          "t_ref_count"          "MutCN"                "MutDeltaCN"          
 [6] "MajCN"                "MinCN"                "MajDerCN"             "MinDerCN"             "CNF"                 
[11] "CNID"                 "pMutCN"               "pGain"                "pSingle"              "pSub"                
[16] "pMutCNTail"           "CLS" 
THT-sleepy commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

I have met the same problem and I'm wondering if you have figure it out finally?

I think the meaning of those columns are related to the mathematical statistics method mentioned in the supplementary material of the paper"The evolutionary history of 2658 cancers"(

However,I know nothing about mathematical statistics...

Best Huatao