gesellix / gradle-debian-plugin

Gradle plugin to create Debian packages
MIT License
39 stars 14 forks source link

architecture is set to -unspecified #6

Open kayser opened 10 years ago

kayser commented 10 years ago

Great to see jdeb as a gradle plugin! generally it works like a charm, except that the 'Architecture: all' in my control file is ignored as it seems. result is deb name with -unsepcified suffix.

Does anybody know why? How do I set Architecture?

gesellix commented 9 years ago

Hi @kayser - I stumbled over the issue at which might be the reason for ignoring the control file entry. Can you verify that?

gesellix commented 9 years ago

@kayser the new gradle-debian-plugin release will bring an update to JDeb 1.4, in case that helps. I sadly don't have a working setup to manually test the plugin (Docker has replaced my Debian package manager).

gesellix commented 9 years ago

@kayser the updated release is available as "de.gesellix:gradle-debian-plugin:15", please give it a try and leave some feedback here. Thanks!

kayser commented 9 years ago

Hi @gesellix - thx for the note but I am afraid it does not help. Updated to version 15 but there was no change. Currently we help ourselves by using this workarround:

task renameDeb(type: Copy) {
    from ('build/') { include '*.deb' }
    into 'build/deb'
    rename { String fileName ->
        fileName.replace("-unspecified", "_all")
gesellix commented 9 years ago

@kayser can you post a snippet of your debian plugin config? Did you configure the outputFile property?