get-iplayer / get_iplayer

A utility for downloading TV and radio programmes from BBC iPlayer and BBC Sounds
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.13k stars 230 forks source link

Please consider allowing pipe to stdout in future releases #279

Closed bat999 closed 8 years ago

bat999 commented 8 years ago

Hi The get_iplayer --long-help documentation shows that "--stream" is a "Deprecated Option".

But it's useful to be able to pipe to stdout without downloading.


URL=""; \
get_iplayer --force --mode=hafstd --stream --type=radio --url=$URL | \
ffmpeg -y -i - -ac 1 -ar 16000 -sample_fmt s16 -map_metadata -1 \
$(get_iplayer --info --type=radio --url=$URL | grep 'fileprefix:' | cut -f2- -d' ').flac
URL=""; \
get_iplayer --force --mode=hafstd --stream --type=radio --url=$URL | \
ffmpeg -i - -f wav - | gogo -silent -b 128 -q 2 stdin \
$(get_iplayer --info --type=radio --url=$URL | grep 'fileprefix:' | cut -f2- -d' ').mp3
~$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.04.5
~$ get_iplayer -h | grep -i "get_iplayer v"
get_iplayer v2.96
~$ gogo -v
GOGO-no-coda ver. 3.13
dinkypumpkin commented 8 years ago

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