get10101 / 10101

10101 (Ten-Ten-One): Self-custodial derivative trading at your fingertips.
MIT License
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Funding transaction not shown in the wallet history #2593

Open holzeis opened 1 month ago

holzeis commented 1 month ago

I funded my dlc channel with a lightning payment about 15k sats went into my position about 250k went into my offchain balance.

The 250k is not shown in my wallet history.


Restioson commented 1 month ago

I'm experiencing something similar.

If I:

  1. click on the receive screen
  2. copy address & send money via faucet
  3. wait a few secs & restart app
  4. click receive again
  5. send money to the old address (copied in step 2)

Then the money in step 5 doesn't seem to be registered by the app.