getActivity / Toaster

Android 吐司框架,专治 Toast 各种疑难杂症
Apache License 2.0
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内存泄漏 #61

Closed yyzl0418 closed 3 years ago

yyzl0418 commented 3 years ago

┬─── │ GC Root: Input or output parameters in native code │ ├─ android.os.FileObserver$ObserverThread instance │ Leaking: NO (PathClassLoader↓ is not leaking) │ Thread name: 'FileObserver' │ ↓ Thread.contextClassLoader ├─ dalvik.system.PathClassLoader instance │ Leaking: NO (ToastUtils↓ is not leaking and A ClassLoader is never leaking) │ ↓ ClassLoader.runtimeInternalObjects ├─ java.lang.Object[] array │ Leaking: NO (ToastUtils↓ is not leaking) │ ↓ Object[].[1081] ├─ com.hjq.toast.ToastUtils class │ Leaking: NO (a class is never leaking) │ ↓ static ToastUtils.sToast │ ~~ ├─ com.hjq.toast.NormalToast instance │ Leaking: YES (This toast is done showing (Toast.mTN.mWM != null && Toast.mTN.mView == null)) │ Retaining 2.5 kB in 39 objects │ mContext instance of com.easypass.carstong.CxtApplicationKt │ ↓ NormalToast.mMessageView ╰→ android.widget.TextView instance ​ Leaking: YES (ObjectWatcher was watching this because android.widget.TextView received ​ View#onDetachedFromWindow() callback) ​ Retaining 2.5 kB in 38 objects ​ key = abb9a153-e665-4431-9a6a-43dbefb0dd99 ​ watchDurationMillis = 3610 ​ retainedDurationMillis = -1 ​ key = 634492b7-0aa9-4a9f-bb51-04658f35cdd5 ​ watchDurationMillis = 3611 ​ key = 2c65fe81-c2ac-4977-bd91-8838d942acf2 ​ key = e3dd9ece-cac7-4bb0-bb17-d623c8eebeea ​ key = 0c922753-dbfa-41cf-af2b-1f4b1ffa5e65 ​ watchDurationMillis = 6974 ​ retainedDurationMillis = 1973 ​ key = 66487d7b-dddc-4e0f-9011-40cbd0b8808c ​ key = 314ee9b2-f055-49f1-929e-d0530ae3d747 ​ retainedDurationMillis = 1974 ​ key = 4b5200c3-4d94-4f4a-8a1e-efb0f93bc3c8 ​ watchDurationMillis = 12684 ​ retainedDurationMillis = 7684 ​ key = 0e257a55-ebd6-42f0-927d-06221ee8feef ​ watchDurationMillis = 12685 ​ retainedDurationMillis = 7685 ​ key = c943e610-03cb-4b63-b6da-e7474ff3ac4f ​ watchDurationMillis = 22463 ​ retainedDurationMillis = 17463 ​ View not part of a window view hierarchy ​ View.mAttachInfo is null (view detached) ​ View.mID = ​ View.mWindowAttachCount = 4 ​ mContext instance of com.easypass.carstong.CxtApplicationKt

getActivity commented 3 years ago