getAlby / lightning-browser-extension

The Bitcoin Lightning Browser extension that connects to different wallet interfaces and brings deep lightning integration to the web
MIT License
524 stars 192 forks source link

Update i18next-browser-languagedetector 7.2.0 → 7.2.1 (patch) #3136

Closed depfu[bot] closed 2 weeks ago

depfu[bot] commented 2 months ago

Here is everything you need to know about this update. Please take a good look at what changed and the test results before merging this pull request.

What changed?

✳️ i18next-browser-languagedetector (7.2.0 → 7.2.1) · Repo · Changelog


See the full diff on Github. The new version differs by 2 commits:

Depfu Status

Depfu will automatically keep this PR conflict-free, as long as you don't add any commits to this branch yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting with @depfu rebase.

All Depfu comment commands
@​depfu rebase
Rebases against your default branch and redoes this update
@​depfu recreate
Recreates this PR, overwriting any edits that you've made to it
@​depfu merge
Merges this PR once your tests are passing and conflicts are resolved
@​depfu cancel merge
Cancels automatic merging of this PR
@​depfu close
Closes this PR and deletes the branch
@​depfu reopen
Restores the branch and reopens this PR (if it's closed)
@​depfu pause
Ignores all future updates for this dependency and closes this PR
@​depfu pause [minor|major]
Ignores all future minor/major updates for this dependency and closes this PR
@​depfu resume
Future versions of this dependency will create PRs again (leaves this PR as is)
socket-security[bot] commented 2 months ago

New and removed dependencies detected. Learn more about Socket for GitHub ↗︎

Package New capabilities Transitives Size Publisher
npm/@babel/code-frame@7.18.6 Transitive: environment +8 96.9 kB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/core@7.18.9 environment, filesystem, unsafe +16 2.12 MB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/generator@7.17.7 None +1 151 kB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/helper-function-name@7.23.0 Transitive: environment +3 2.52 MB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/helper-hoist-variables@7.22.5 None +1 38.7 kB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/helper-plugin-utils@7.18.9 None 0 4.55 kB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/helper-split-export-declaration@7.22.6 None +1 42.4 kB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/helper-validator-identifier@7.18.6 None 0 19.1 kB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/parser@7.21.2 None 0 1.95 MB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/runtime@7.20.7 None 0 220 kB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/template@7.22.15 None +8 2.08 MB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/traverse@7.23.2 None +8 1.24 MB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@babel/types@7.17.0 environment 0 1.03 MB nicolo-ribaudo
npm/@eslint-community/eslint-utils@4.4.0 None 0 379 kB eslint-community-bot
npm/@eslint-community/regexpp@4.8.0 None 0 430 kB eslint-community-bot
npm/@jridgewell/gen-mapping@0.3.2 None 0 93 kB jridgewell
npm/@jridgewell/resolve-uri@3.1.0 None 0 55.2 kB jridgewell
npm/@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@1.4.14 None 0 40 kB jridgewell
npm/@jridgewell/trace-mapping@0.3.18 None 0 164 kB jridgewell
npm/@types/babel__traverse@7.17.1 None 0 123 kB types
npm/@types/express-serve-static-core@4.17.27 None +2 93.6 kB types
npm/@types/express@4.17.13 None +3 34 kB types
npm/@types/glob@7.1.3 None +1 14.1 kB types
npm/@types/minimist@1.2.2 None 0 6.72 kB types
npm/acorn@8.10.0 None 0 494 kB marijn
npm/ansi-styles@4.3.0 None +2 50.9 kB sindresorhus
npm/aria-query@5.1.3 None +7 355 kB jessebeach
npm/array-includes@3.1.7 None 0 25.4 kB ljharb
npm/bl@4.1.0 None +2 157 kB matteo.collina
npm/bs58check@3.0.1 None +2 20.8 kB junderw
npm/caniuse-lite@1.0.30001591 None 0 1.97 MB caniuse-lite
npm/dom-accessibility-api@0.5.11 None 0 263 kB eps1lon
npm/domutils@2.7.0 None +2 123 kB feedic
npm/entities@4.3.1 None 0 733 kB feedic
npm/espree@9.6.1 None +1 98 kB eslintbot
npm/expect@29.7.0 None +7 359 kB simenb
npm/fast-fifo@1.3.0 None 0 7.91 kB mafintosh
npm/fast-glob@3.2.12 filesystem 0 91.9 kB mrmlnc
npm/follow-redirects@1.15.2 network 0 28.3 kB rubenverborgh
npm/globby@11.1.0 filesystem +2 30.3 kB sindresorhus
npm/graceful-fs@4.2.10 environment, filesystem 0 32.5 kB isaacs
npm/i18next-browser-languagedetector@7.2.1 None +2 365 kB adrai
npm/is-path-cwd@2.2.0 None 0 2.76 kB sindresorhus
npm/jest-util@29.7.0 environment +1 62.1 kB simenb
npm/map-obj@4.3.0 None 0 9.49 kB sindresorhus
npm/meow@8.1.2 None +5 47.6 kB sindresorhus

🚮 Removed packages: npm/i18next-browser-languagedetector@7.2.0, npm/merge2@1.4.1, npm/micromatch@4.0.5, npm/mime-db@1.52.0, npm/mime-types@2.1.35, npm/min-indent@1.0.1, npm/mini-css-extract-plugin@2.7.6, npm/minimalistic-assert@1.0.1, npm/minimatch@3.1.2, npm/minimist@1.2.6, npm/ms@2.1.2, npm/msw@1.3.2, npm/normalize-path@3.0.0, npm/nth-check@2.0.1, npm/object-assign@4.1.1, npm/object-inspect@1.12.3, npm/object.assign@4.1.4, npm/object.fromentries@2.0.7, npm/object.values@1.1.7, npm/obuf@1.1.2, npm/once@1.4.0, npm/onetime@5.1.2, npm/p-limit@3.1.0, npm/parse-json@5.2.0, npm/parseurl@1.3.3, npm/path-key@3.1.1, npm/picomatch@2.3.1, npm/postcss-cli@10.1.0, npm/postcss-loader@7.3.3, npm/postcss-value-parser@4.2.0, npm/postcss@8.4.31, npm/pptr-testing-library@0.7.0, npm/prettier@3.0.3, npm/process@0.11.10, npm/prop-types@15.8.1, npm/pubsub-js@1.9.4, npm/punycode@2.1.1, npm/puppeteer@21.4.1, npm/range-parser@1.2.1, npm/react-confetti@6.1.0, npm/react-dom@18.2.0, npm/react-hot-toast@2.4.1, npm/react-i18next@14.1.0, npm/react-loading-skeleton@3.3.1, npm/react-modal@3.16.1, npm/react-qr-code@2.0.12, npm/react-router-dom@6.22.3, npm/react@18.2.0, npm/readable-stream@3.6.0, npm/regenerator-runtime@0.13.11, npm/resolve-from@5.0.0, npm/resolve-global@1.0.0, npm/resolve@1.22.8, npm/ripemd160@2.0.2, npm/safe-buffer@5.2.1, npm/safer-buffer@2.1.2, npm/semver@7.5.4, npm/serialize-javascript@6.0.1, npm/sha.js@2.4.11, npm/signal-exit@3.0.7, npm/slip77@0.2.0, npm/source-map-js@1.0.2, npm/split2@3.2.2, npm/statuses@1.5.0, npm/stream-browserify@3.0.0, npm/stream@0.0.2, npm/swc-loader@0.2.3, npm/tailwindcss-3d@1.0.2, npm/tailwindcss@3.4.3, npm/terser-webpack-plugin@5.3.9, npm/through@2.3.8, npm/tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin@4.1.0, npm/tslib@2.6.2, npm/type-check@0.4.0, npm/typescript@5.2.2, npm/unpipe@1.0.0, npm/util-deprecate@1.0.2, npm/uuid@9.0.1, npm/wbuf@1.7.3, npm/webextension-polyfill@0.10.0, npm/webpack-bundle-analyzer@4.9.1, npm/webpack-cli@5.1.4, npm/webpack-dev-server@4.15.1, npm/webpack-sources@3.2.3, npm/webpack@5.89.0, npm/websocket-driver@0.7.4, npm/wext-manifest-loader@3.0.0, npm/wext-manifest-webpack-plugin@1.2.1, npm/which-typed-array@1.1.11, npm/ws@8.13.0, npm/yargs-parser@20.2.9, npm/yargs@17.7.1, npm/zustand@4.5.2

View full report↗︎

socket-security[bot] commented 2 months ago

🚨 Potential security issues detected. Learn more about Socket for GitHub ↗︎

To accept the risk, merge this PR and you will not be notified again.

Alert Package NoteSource
Install scripts npm/core-js-pure@3.22.5
  • Install script: postinstall
  • Source: node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"
  • orphan: npm/core-js-pure@3.22.5
Potential typo squat npm/blech32@1.1.2

View full report↗︎

Next steps

What is an install script?

Install scripts are run when the package is installed. The majority of malware in npm is hidden in install scripts.

Packages should not be running non-essential scripts during install and there are often solutions to problems people solve with install scripts that can be run at publish time instead.

What is a typosquat?

Package name is similar to other popular packages and may not be the package you want.

Use care when consuming similarly named packages and ensure that you did not intend to consume a different package. Malicious packages often publish using similar names as existing popular packages.

Take a deeper look at the dependency

Take a moment to review the security alert above. Review the linked package source code to understand the potential risk. Ensure the package is not malicious before proceeding. If you're unsure how to proceed, reach out to your security team or ask the Socket team for help at support [AT] socket [DOT] dev.

Remove the package

If you happen to install a dependency that Socket reports as Known Malware you should immediately remove it and select a different dependency. For other alert types, you may may wish to investigate alternative packages or consider if there are other ways to mitigate the specific risk posed by the dependency.

Mark a package as acceptable risk

To ignore an alert, reply with a comment starting with @SocketSecurity ignore followed by a space separated list of ecosystem/package-name@version specifiers. e.g. @SocketSecurity ignore npm/foo@1.0.0 or ignore all packages with @SocketSecurity ignore-all

  • @SocketSecurity ignore npm/core-js-pure@3.22.5
  • @SocketSecurity ignore npm/blech32@1.1.2