can we build the extension with all it's features on NWC?
Some things to consider:
[x] get_info method needs a way to return generic metadata. For example, information users can provide when paying with keysend custom_records. if it's generic then there is no need for a spec
[ ] it would be nice to have a method get_transactions which returns both incoming and outgoing transactions so that wallets do not need to handle merging transactions and paging from two separate endpoints
[ ] list_invoices directly returns an array of invoices, removing the possibility of returning other fields later (e.g. paging info, ...?)
[x] how does this relate to WebLN? e.g. list_payments and list_invoices - add to WebLN too
[ ] list transactions calls may need some extra metadata e.g. LUD-18
[ ] Support for split payments (standard and keysend) - move to separate methods?
[x] Update README with what parts of the spec we support / do not support - moved to separate issue
[ ] We should aim to have similar responses for getInfo from WebBTC, WebLN and NWC
[ ] Create a new PR into Ben's one so we can provide all feedback in one go
can we build the extension with all it's features on NWC?
Some things to consider:
get_info method needs a way to return generic metadata. For example, information users can provide when paying with keysend custom_records.if it's generic then there is no need for a specActions: