getPraxis / FELauncher

Launch flows from Enhanced Lightning Grid's row or list button, and have that flow open as a pop-up window overlay (modal)
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Possible cacheing issues with List Multi-Select #17

Closed chrisrutter closed 1 year ago

chrisrutter commented 1 year ago

Hello. Thank you so much for the plugin, it's an incredible bit of work. We're using the plugin to change the status of a custom object (delivery tasks) and who they're assigned too. When using List Multi-Select, launching the flow works fine. The records change as required, let's call these records, 1 and 2. However, when then selecting records 3 and 4 (records 1 and 2 are now no longer selected), and launching the flow once more, records 1, 2, 3 and 4 all change! It's as if the records being 'checked' using the multi-select are being cached. The only option is to hard refresh the page after each flow launch.

Is this a problem you're aware of?

chrisrutter commented 1 year ago

Update! We managed to solve this by updating the Enhanced Lightning Grid plugin, seems it was this that was causing this issue.

ohadios commented 1 year ago

@chrisrutter yeah, that was a bug we found in Enhanced Lightning Grid, and we even contributed the solution to the open source project, and had Salesforce merge and repackage :)

ohadios commented 1 year ago

This issue has been resolved with the latest version of Enhanced Lightning Grid