getappmap / appmap-java

AppMap client agent for Java
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Missing entries in autogenerated appmap.yml #282

Open dividedmind opened 4 months ago

dividedmind commented 4 months ago

It's missing appmap_dir (required by some tooling) and language.

apotterri commented 4 months ago

Can you check and make sure that it was appmap-java that generated appmap.yml? The agent knows how to set both of those, but other things that generate that file may not.

kgilpin commented 4 months ago

For example the extension itself may be doing this (poorly).

dividedmind commented 4 months ago

The file contained comments suggesting it was (see #283 for the full file); I grepped the vscode extension source code and don't see anything that would generate comments like that.

apotterri commented 4 months ago

This, and the problems detecting subprojects, is really weird. Can you check to make sure that you're using the latest version of the agent jar, please?

dividedmind commented 4 months ago

This, and the problems detecting subprojects, is really weird. Can you check to make sure that you're using the latest version of the agent jar, please?

$ ls -la ~/.appmap/lib/java/appmap.jar 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 divide divide 47 07-08 16:10 /home/divide/.appmap/lib/java/appmap.jar -> /home/divide/.appmap/lib/java/appmap-1.26.9.jar

I can try from scratch if you think it's an issue with out-of-date agent, but I have no reason to suspect this.