getappmap / appmap-js

Client libraries for AppMap
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feat: Auto-enable the help-agent #1819

Closed kgilpin closed 1 month ago

kgilpin commented 1 month ago

Currently, the default @explain mode fetches a mixture of code context and help docs to try and address any question.

For purposes of answering help questions, providing Navie with a lot of code context appears to be quite confusing to her. For example:

So in this PR, the following changes are made:



@help mode triggered

Make appmaps of my node server

To create AppMaps for your Node.js server, you can use the AppMap extension in Visual Studio Code. Here are the steps:

  1. Install the appmap-node package: First, you need to add the appmap-node package to your project. You can do this using npm or yarn.

    npm install --save-dev appmap-node


    yarn add --dev appmap-node
  2. Generate AppMaps by running your server: Use the appmap-node command to run your server and generate AppMaps. For example, if you normally start your server with npm run dev, you would run:

    npx appmap-node npm run dev

    This command wraps your existing application launch command and records the behavior of your application, saving the AppMap data to the tmp/appmap directory.

  3. Interact with your application: Once the server is running, interact with your application through its UI or API. Each interaction will generate an AppMap recording.

  4. View AppMap diagrams in VSCode: Open the AppMap panel in VSCode to view the AppMap diagrams. The AppMap data files will be saved in the tmp/appmap directory, and you can view them directly from the extension.

For more detailed information, refer to the official documentation:

By following these steps, you can generate and view AppMaps for your Node.js server, helping you to better understand and improve your codebase.

@help mode not triggered

how to create a visual representation of one of my files

To create a visual representation of one of your files, AppMap can help you generate interactive sequence diagrams. These diagrams provide insights into function calls, HTTP requests, database queries, and other events within your codebase.

Here is how you can generate and visualize AppMaps for your code:

  1. Identify the file/module/component for which you want to create a visual representation. For instance, let's take BookingStatusLineChart.tsx.

  2. Record an AppMap:

    • Run your application or tests with AppMap recording enabled. This will capture all the runtime actions and interactions. Ensure you navigate through or test the specific components you want to visualize.
  3. Generate AppMaps:

    • The recorded AppMap data will be stored typically in the appmap directory of your project.
  4. Visualize the AppMap:

    • Open the AppMap extension in your code editor (VSCode). You can find it in the Activity Bar.
    • Browse and open the .appmap.json files generated based on your recordings.
    • The AppMap extension will display an interactive sequence diagram of the recorded interactions.

Since AppMap sequence diagrams require runtime data, ensure you have some AppMaps generated through your test runs or by manually recording interactions.

For now, let me provide a brief Markdown overview of how the BookingStatusLineChart.tsx flows:

BookingStatusLineChart Component Overview

graph TD
    A[BookingStatusLineChart] -->|useLocale| B(useFilterContext)
    A -->|trpc.viewer.insights.bookingStatus.useQuery| C[Query Execution]
    C -->|data| D[Render Chart]

    subgraph Chart Rendering
        D -->|isPending| E[LoadingInsight]
        D -->|isSuccess| F[CardInsights]
        F --> G[Title]
        F --> H[LineChart]
  1. Initialization: The BookingStatusLineChart component initializes by invoking hooks such as useLocale, useFilterContext, and fetches data using trpc.viewer.insights.bookingStatus.useQuery.

  2. Rendering Conditional Elements:

    • If data fetch is pending (isPending), it displays a loading component.
    • If data fetch is successful (isSuccess), it displays a CardInsights component which encompasses Title and LineChart components to visualize the booking status trends.

This approach condenses the flow into a simple graph. The actual AppMap will provide much more detailed interactions and dependencies based on the runtime data.

If you need more detailed visualizations or assistance on generating specific AppMaps, please run some tests or interactions with AppMap recording enabled and provide the .appmap.json file generated for deeper analysis.

dustinbyrne commented 1 month ago

The code looks good, I'm working on testing this in the backend

kgilpin commented 1 month ago

Thanks for trying it out!

appland-release commented 1 month ago

:tada: This PR is included in version @appland/navie-v1.13.0 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket:

appland-release commented 1 month ago

:tada: This PR is included in version @appland/appmap-v3.147.0 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket: