getappmap / vscode-appland

AppLand extension for VSCode
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Every step of the installation instructions has a consistent status message. Prompt user to continue installation. #700

Open Daniel-Warner-X opened 1 year ago

Daniel-Warner-X commented 1 year ago

The status messages for each step of the installation instructions are inconsistent with each other and most are not dynamic.

The status message should prompt the user to the next step if the status of that step is complete.

Add AppMap view:


Record AppMap view:


Explore AppMap view:


Runtime Analysis view:


The status messages need to be clear and consistent (text needed) and the presentation needs to be consistent from view to view so that the user understands the state of their install (design needed).

Design suggestion...


Daniel-Warner-X commented 1 year ago

Also this:

kgilpin commented 1 year ago

Somehow, the proposed design to me just looks like text it doesn’t look like an obvious Status.

Take a look at how GitHub does build status. It’s in a consistent status area and it’s super clear whether is Passed, Running, or Failed.

Daniel-Warner-X commented 1 year ago

@kgilpin Here is an updated design that displays status messages under the header on each step of the install flow.


This is what it looks like in context...


kgilpin commented 1 year ago

Cool. I think the instructions need to be more conceptual - like add the AppMap package. Because requirements.txt is a Pip file. We don’t know that they are using Pip.

Let’s just explain overall what happens in this step.

Daniel-Warner-X commented 1 year ago

Updated status messages...

Daniel-Warner-X commented 1 year ago

@dustinbyrne FYI...


Daniel-Warner-X commented 1 year ago

@dustinbyrne I got a chance to install and use the .vsix. -- it's looking awesome! Three things jumped out at me right off the bat.

  1. The 'Run the installer' button should be grayish-blue instead of the bright blue of a primary action after the step has been completed. That should be the behavior for every view...


  1. The green check is satisfying when it comes in, but I think it comes in a little too early. The user should have at least looked at the Runtime Analysis page. As it is now the green check comes in when OpenAPI completes...


  1. The 'next' button should get the bright blue primary styling when that step is complete.


Daniel-Warner-X commented 1 year ago

@dustinbyrne now that we have the new status message I think we can remove this:


Do you agree @kgilpin ?

kgilpin commented 1 year ago

@dustinbyrne now that we have the new status message I think we can remove this:


Do you agree @kgilpin ?

Yup, we do not need that any more.