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Work Files #319

Closed tokejepsen closed 6 years ago

tokejepsen commented 6 years ago


Alleviate work files navigation.


Loading and saving work files can becomes messy fast.

With taking control over where and how work files should be saved, not only makes a tidier file system but also makes users more independent and faster as they don't have to think about files on a disk but can concentrate on content creation.


Opening/creating work files should happen between choosing which application to launch and actually launching the application. Most applications are designed to open files directly, so its just a matter of adding to the launch command.

The location of the work files would need to be defined prior to asking the user to open/create.

Choosing which files to open or create, would require some kind of GUI. This could be a simple list with a Create button.

The naming of the work files would need defining as well. I'm not confident with the Avalon object model, but guess it'll be defined through that somehow.

mottosso commented 6 years ago

There's been talk about this at some point and I'm personally not a fan - I think creation need to be as flexible and open ended as possible to account for the many and diverse personalities and preferences of said personalities in a given project - but if it's optional I don't see a problem with it.

tokejepsen commented 6 years ago

Think the GUI will need to be as easy as a file browser, if not better.

Have previously done a dialog with Open Latest Version or Open Previous Version. Open Previous Version would just simply open a file browser in the folder with all the work files.

BigRoy commented 6 years ago

As an optional interface I think this could be useful. Artists have also requested this (specifically getting consistent file name saves on the initial save).

Let's try it.