getcandy / hub

GetCandy v1 Hub built on Nuxt.js
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Cant login #39

Closed projct1 closed 3 years ago

projct1 commented 3 years ago

Hello! I installed getcandy from scratch and cant login What is the error? By the way, what are credentials?

alecritson commented 3 years ago

Hi there.

This looks strange, not seen this before. What was the response back from the API when you tried to log in? Also the credentials are what you would have set up during the install process.

projct1 commented 3 years ago

The response is html

<!doctype html>
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alecritson commented 3 years ago

Was this resolved? We've just released 0.12 of the Hub and API so it would be worth updating and trying again.

For a guide on how to update to 0.12 from 0.11 see links below:

Upgrading the Hub Upgrading the API