getcanoe / canoe

Canoe is a Nano Wallet heavily based on the MIT licensed Copay wallet from Bitpay
MIT License
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Add minimum receive as a setting #254

Open gokr opened 6 years ago

gokr commented 6 years ago

The wallet implementation has support for setting a minimum receive, but we are not using it today.

rtaibah commented 6 years ago

How does this work? I can say don't send me below 1 NANO?

gokr commented 6 years ago

Well, it doesn't prevent someone from sending, but it would prevent Canoe from making a receive block to pocket it. Worth checking how the others do it, default setting for this in official wallet? It's not a big deal.

stefonarch commented 6 years ago

The NWC desktop wallet uses in config.json "receive_minimum": "1", The developer 14.2 wallet: "receive_minimum": "1000000000000000000000000",

stefonarch commented 5 years ago

We had one person who got spammed...