getcursor / cursor

The AI-powered code editor
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Add support for local LLM #1227

Open kacperpaczos opened 4 months ago

kacperpaczos commented 4 months ago
WEB-A11YS commented 4 months ago

Can anyone please let me know if Cursor is supporting LM Studio or not!!!

MarArMar commented 4 months ago

I think it is already

You have to open the Cursor Settings (Ctrl + Ship + P : then type 'Cursor Settings')

Then open under Open AI "Configure Models" then open "Override OA base URL"


dannycoin commented 4 months ago

I think it is already

You have to open the Cursor Settings (Ctrl + Ship + P : then type 'Cursor Settings')

Then open under Open AI "Configure Models" then open "Override OA base URL"


This does not work! ..Tested with litellm, ollama, gpt4free api and llm studio with no success.

WEB-A11YS commented 4 months ago

It's not working on my end also. Please give an instructions how to work it.

WEB-A11YS commented 4 months ago

@MarArMar @ Please clarify how it's working only for you and not others. Are you guys here to false promoting? Please let me know if LocalLLM still not supported on Cursor so that we don't waste time on it. Please check the screenshots that it's not working on my end. If I am wrong please help me to know the right procedure.

MarArMar commented 4 months ago

@WEB-A11YS "Please clarify how it's working only for you and not others."

Please clarify where I said it is working for me

"Are you guys here to false promoting?"

I am not affiliated with cursor

I did not test LocalLLM myself,

In any case I am pretty sure in your video you should remove the "/v1" at the end of the URL you are using

Also make sure you tick the "Using OpenAI key", and you might have to create a key in LocalLLM or something

I would surprise me if it does not work, check in official the cursor forum if others managed to do it