getcursor / cursor

The AI Code Editor
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Notes not working #1345

Open Laz4rz opened 3 months ago

Laz4rz commented 3 months ago


From what I understand, the Notes feature should provide a comprehensive overview of some variable/type (function? class?) after hovering + SHIFT.

Clicking SHIFT does not do anything more than hovering alone.

I run Cursor on WSL2 Ubuntu running on Windows 10 machine. I'll be happy to provide any logs you may want.

HeathStratosphere commented 3 months ago

Same here:

Version: 0.31.3 VSCode Version: 1.86.2 Commit: fcd6e551d6f014d13071eac9bd4904e7e0346720 Date: 2024-04-02T20:20:11.019Z Electron: 27.2.3 ElectronBuildId: undefined Chromium: 118.0.5993.159 Node.js: 18.17.1 V8: OS: Darwin arm64 22.5.0