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Indexing of Docs only able to grab entrypoint page #1479

Open JarradJarrad opened 3 weeks ago

JarradJarrad commented 3 weeks ago

1) If you can, please include a screenshot of your problem

When attempting to index DSPy docs via the chat window, I get this: image

When attempting to index the same docs via cursor settings -> features -> docs section, I get this:


I have tried all of the below with the github repo the docs are built from, same thing happens.

2) Please include the name of your operating system

Version: 0.33.4 VSCode Version: 1.86.2 Commit: 2dd5b2855ac68f3a3d3babee87d22b399a9db7d0 Date: 2024-05-11T02:05:08.197Z Electron: 27.2.3 ElectronBuildId: undefined Chromium: 118.0.5993.159 Node.js: 18.17.1 V8: OS: Darwin arm64 23.1.0

3) If you can, steps to reproduce are super helpful

  1. navigate to cursor settings -> features -> docs section

  2. click 'add new doc'

  3. enter the following (with or without /docs/ and with or without trailing slashes, it all results in the same outcome) image

  4. wait while Cursor indexes the docs

  5. all it indexes is actually just the entrypoint page