getcursor / cursor

The AI Code Editor
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[Critical] Cannot open new chat when there is a file permission error from cursor, blocking all new chats #2333

Open MarArMar opened 3 weeks ago

MarArMar commented 3 weeks ago

I have this error when I try to create a new chat :

"Unable to read file '/etc/sudoers' (NoPermissions (FileSystemError): An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details.)"

I don't even have the file opened, changing currently opened file does not solve the problem

Blocking all usage of chats currently... I am a paid user

danperks commented 2 weeks ago


Are you still facing this issue?

My inital guess is that /etc/sudoers is a file you used as context in a previous chat, and now don't have access to if you aren't running Cursor as root. You can probably get around this by running Cursor as root. If the chat is then fixed, try create a new chat and deleting any old ones from your history that used or referenced the /ect/sudoers file.

If you could send a screenshot of the error, that would be helpful too!

MarArMar commented 2 weeks ago

Had to open another folder with cursor, it was otherwise blocked into an endless loop if I tried from the regular start as it opened this last file every time