getcursor / cursor

The AI-powered code editor
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does cursor will support install Codeium tool which is like Copilot but free #342

Closed CuteSmartTiger closed 1 year ago

CuteSmartTiger commented 1 year ago

sunray-ley commented 1 year ago

I think it would be appropriate for Cursor to open the plug-in system in the later stage and allow the community to implement various plug-ins on its own, so that you can have Codeium, TabNine, and Barbara. :)

danperks commented 1 year ago

With v0.2.0 and upwards, Cursor supports .vsix files, which are VSCode extension files. If you want to install Codeium and it's not available in the extension list, you can download it from the Version History tab of the VSCode extensions website and drag the file into Cursor to install it: As this is likely to solve your problem, I'll close the issue to keep things clean 🧹 😄