getcursor / cursor

The AI Code Editor
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Code Action Lightbulb not showing #745

Open marcelo-mason opened 1 year ago

marcelo-mason commented 1 year ago

1) If you can, please include a screenshot of your problem

VSCode shows lightbulb on error click: image

Cursor doesn't: image

2) Please include the name of your operating system

Windows 11

marcelo-mason commented 1 year ago

Setting is enabled on both:


arvid220u commented 1 year ago

What do you use the lightbulb for? We disabled it because we were annoyed, but we can bring it back with a setting.

knowbee commented 1 year ago

Lightbulb is super helpful in flutter development when trying to refactor your code. Kindly Bring it back. @arvid220u

tatelax commented 1 year ago

I was also looking to see if anyone else had posted this issue. I'm also a Flutter developer. The lightbulb is very useful. Without it I can't use Cursor over VS Code.

Not really sure why you would want to disable it entirely when there's already a setting to toggle it in VS Code.

tom-voicer commented 1 year ago

I also need the lightbulb for refactoring and quick fixes... I was scratching my head why it doesn't work.. please bring it back.

marcelo-mason commented 1 year ago

What do you use the lightbulb for? We disabled it because we were annoyed, but we can bring it back with a setting.

A setting already exists to toggle it, really no need to remove it or to add another setting, just bring back the original functionality.

Jethro87 commented 1 year ago

This is the key reason I haven't adopted Cursor yet. I use the lightbulb all the time for flutter development and it's surprisingly useful.

knowbee commented 1 year ago


arvid220u commented 1 year ago

Thanks for all the feedback here! Sounds like we should bring it back :). Expect to see it in Cursor sometime next week. In the meantime, perhaps Ctrl+. or Cmd+. works?

Jethro87 commented 1 year ago

@arvid220u That's great to hear 👍 I couldn't get it to work with any key combo.

Jethro87 commented 8 months ago

Just wanted to bump this @arvid220u, as I downloaded Cursor today and don't see the lightbulb. I know it seems small but makes a big difference for Flutter. Thanks.

tech-craniometrix commented 7 months ago

Just wanted to bump this @arvid220u, as I downloaded Cursor today and don't see the lightbulb. I know it seems small but makes a big difference for Flutter. Thanks.

bumoing this! still don't see it even with the lightbulb enabled option

Magellol commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure if this is related but doing CMD/CTRL + . brings up the code action menu but quick fixes from Typescript plugins aren't being listed. For example, we use the following TS plugin which registers a code action available by pressing the above mentioned shortcut but Cursor doesn't display it.



vs Cursor


kylegwalsh commented 2 months ago

Also curious about this! I just tested the latest version and the setting still seems to be ignored.

Ali1Ammar commented 1 month ago

is there update for this? the light bulb still not working

AmanuelYosief commented 1 month ago

Bump, still not added, so I will migrate back to visual studio code. Lightbulb is efficient at suggestions and make things easier. I can extract code as a widget e.g. faster than the AI

miklereverie commented 1 month ago

Bumping this! Flutter developer as well, really missing this feature...

HYAZEUS commented 1 month ago

Bumping this, tried to switch to cursor this week and instantly went back to vscode as soon as i realised it wasn't there after trying for a good hour to make sure i didn't have an extension conflict or settings were off. Please bring it back team, theres a reason you cloned vscode!

th8m0z commented 1 month ago

This 100% needs to be added, it's the one thing holding me back from using and paying for Cursor.

MilanMeurrens commented 1 month ago

As @Magellol mentioned, doing CMD/CTRL + . does the trick. Might be nice to make it optional to show the lightbulb though. image

drdDavi commented 4 weeks ago

Its been a year, why cant this feature be re-enabled? I understand from the comments that it was annoying internal team.

However us end users, the product user want it. Kindly re-enable, we want back that quality of life feature!

paul-vd commented 4 weeks ago

What do you use the lightbulb for? We disabled it because we were annoyed, but we can bring it back with a setting.

This is really stupid, why disable something which has a settings, and besides that why disable it without adding a setting to enable it. that lightbulb is very helpful in many cases, for example to ignore a eslint rule, and other extensions also use it for extra input.

avikshith-np commented 3 weeks ago

Bring back the lightbulb! Why are you restricting your users with this nonsense. As a person who does flutter development, this is an essential feature that you are blocking. @arvid220u

drmathewsgit commented 3 weeks ago

Cant do anything in flutter without lightbulb. @arvid220u

Magellol commented 3 weeks ago

Does the ligthbulb do anything more than what CMD + . does? Because you can access the menu with that keyboard shortcut so it's not completely gone.

drdDavi commented 3 weeks ago

@Magellol I am a flutter and react dev and we absolutely need this lightbulb! in flutter th lightbulb is a core part of the DX. We don't not want to do CMD + . The team should bring back the default and add a setting option to disable it.

The Editor is for the users not the internal team, if so many people are having an issue with it it's clear a major pain point and issue.

paul-vd commented 3 weeks ago

Does the ligthbulb do anything more than what CMD + . does? Because you can access the menu with that keyboard shortcut so it's not completely gone.

No, it does not, but that's beside the point, the lightbulb was a visual indication that you have possible actions to perform on a line of code. And again, there is a setting to disable to lightbulb, so removing it completely is highly inconvenient to the users of the application. Removal of things like this should generally be behind a setting...

A good example is the ui change for the horizontal bar:

hellobigbug commented 2 weeks ago

As a Python developer, there is a strong need for a bulb reminder. It is requested that the development team bring it back. The current static checking and fixing measures are insufficient to meet the development requirements.

andresdegano commented 1 week ago

I was testing the IDE and is quite nice, but I was surprised that the bulb was not there. I use it a lot, so its a deal breaker.

HYAZEUS commented 1 week ago

Given it's a VSCode clone, and all these complaints, it's quite interesting they won't reimplement for such a simple addition. Did I read they removed it because one of the founders didn't like it? Seems like the wrong reasoning behind the decision.

mgredenberg commented 1 week ago

I am also a flutter developer and urgently need the light bulb. What also worries me is that no one from the Cursor team has replied here for more than a year!

laurasilvanavi commented 1 week ago

I'm FE dev and I also miss light bulb a lot, it was usefull for quick imports, it would be great to have it in cursor too 🙌

mohamoha6200 commented 1 week ago

This issue has been acknowledged and promised to be entertained a year ago, what's delaying it all this long ?

TomWeStartFires commented 1 week ago

Our whole team moved over to cursor, but this is very frustrating that there is a user option to control this but has been hard disabled and taken away end user customisation that was built in. Please re-enable at least the option, it defaulting to off in the settings would be fine.

faheemstepsharp commented 8 hours ago

Please re-enable this feature, our team is unable to be more productive